The 16 Steps of the Moving Process

This is another delightful year of moving for us. We’ve only moved a billion times, but it still feels like a daunting process. Any large task HAS to be divided up into smaller, more manageable steps for me. It helps everything, even moving, feel more doable. It’s that whole eating an elephant one bite at a time thing. What a gross example though… First, there are the sixteen steps of moving out. Then there are the sixteen steps of unpacking and settling in. Today I’m only going to worry about the moving out part, as it comes first. Tackle one […]

Ta-Daaaa! Before & After Photos From Cleaning Out the Storage Room

I have this lengthy list of things we have to do to get our house ready for the housing market. BUT it is such a wonderful feeling to have my second storage room DONE. So of course, I made a video about it. Daniel told me I should make one of those time-lapse videos where it shows you cleaning in super speed, so I made one and put it on the ends of this update video: I’m also learning more about how to make decent YouTube videos….. Sorry, I did not learn in time to not film the ceiling while […]

Some things must be kept: Here is what to keep.

Some things must be kept, but you cannot hoard everything. So how do you know what to keep and what to get rid of? Sometimes I get so busy with house cleaning chores that I forget to do the things that I feel driven to do, to write. Writing was always my default. From age eight, it was what I did. I have volumes of journals and blogs. Occasionally, when I was a kid, there was even a poem or a short story. Oh, and letters, I have written so many letters. Letters. Remember letters? I have boxes of old […]

How to Minimize and Enjoy Memory and Photo Storage

In our new age of taking tons of photos, memorabilia and photo storage can be a problem. I’ve been documenting the process of cleaning out my storage room, in preparation for yet another Army move. In the process, I am finding a LOT of photos and memorabilia. Sometimes the memorabilia can be the hardest piece of the storage puzzle to find a good place for. Plus, there’s always the dilemma of what to keep and what not to keep. Aye yie yie, right? ***When you purchase through Amazon links on my page, I do collect advertising fees.*** What good does […]

Before & After Photos of My Storage Room Overhaul

Ta-daaaaaa!!!! I finished cleaning out my main basement storage room, and it feels so good. It’s like a hug when we walk through there now. My goal is to get each room of our house decluttered, getting rid of everything we don’t need, in time to sell our house this spring. You see, we are moving yet again. First, here are the “before photos”, which I blogged about here. Labeling was starting to get time consuming. Labeling storage boxes is beyond important, but my label maker is really a little printer, and it just is not quick at all really. […]

Step 1 of the Moving Process: Declutter, Reorganize, & Clean

Help!!! We are moving again!!!!!! Okay, I’m only sort of kidding. We really ARE moving. Oh, and also I am about as stressed as I sound there. Ha! And yeah, we do always need help, so I guess I’m not kidding at all…. We are five or six months out from our big move. That all depends on how fast this house sells and our ability to secure a rental house at our next town. We are only moving a couple of hours away this time, so does make it easier. It is a different state though, so I get […]