Why it’s Not Okay to Have a Bare Minimum Attitude

Now before I tell my story, I want you to know that this was a lesson to me because I have been guilty of doing the bare minimum at work and in housekeeping lately. Sometimes I feel guilty about it. Just checking the boxes is how I get by, and sometimes that’s how it has to be. It all started as I was flying home yesterday afternoon, as a result of some bad weather flight delays. My flight from Florida to North Carolina was forty minutes late. Just as my first flight was pulling into the gate, my Charlotte to […]

Grateful for All of Our Spring Chaos

The past few weeks have been spring chaos around our house. Don’t worry. There were no fires or life threatening emergencies. Alan was out of town for two weeks. He traveled all over the place and had his own cool adventures, to include meeting a group of Rosie Riveters from World War II and ringing the gong at the European stock exchange, Euronext. But this chaos isn’t about him. It’s about me over here, eighteen years into parenting, still struggling like a fly in a spiderweb. Last week, I was wriggling all over the place. Things kept happening the past […]

Easy Brilliant Way to Organize Your T-Shirt Drawer

If you have a messy drawer full of t-shirts, you have come to the right place. We are going to organize your t-shirt drawer in beautiful, tidy rows today. The way I do this keeps all your shirts visible, unwrinkled, and rotated. This way you do not always wear the same three t-shirts over and over again. Well, actually the unwrinkled part depends on how neatly you fold your clothes. Sometimes I get in a hurry and don’t do the best job. But if you slow down and do your fold/roll neatly, they should be nice and unwrinkled. We moved […]

10 Encouraging Bible Verses for When You Need a Pick-Me-Up

Do you ever feel knocked down and in need of encouragement? Maybe you need a few encouraging Bible verses to get you through the day? You open your Bible hoping to find just the right motivating words to help you go on, but you aren’t sure where to look exactly. I have a few I’ve collected over the years I’d like to share with you today. When my husband Alan went to Iraq the second time, I was left with a two-year-old and a one-year-old boy to bring up on my own for fifteen months. And by the way, I’m […]

How to Organize Your Small Desk to Work Perfectly & Look Beautiful

If your desk sometimes looks like complete chaos (as mine did), and you want some ideas for how to organize your small desk, you have come to the right place. That is our mission today, to turn our desk into a happy place we can be proud of! The goal here is to make your desk organized and inviting. I set out to do this with my own desk, and I want to share my process with you. Let’s break it down into small steps and take it one step at a time. This could take you an hour, or […]

Our Beloved Pastor Kevin Corey

“Did you have a good day at church?” I asked my twelve-year-old son on our way home, about a year ago. “Yes, I did. I always do. Pastor Corey is the best children’s minister ever. And I would know because I have had a lot of them!” He’s right. Our moving all over the country every couple of years means Daniel has had several children’s pastors. Daniel went on to talk about what makes Pastor Corey great. He is so funny, and he tells the Bible stories well, so everyone listens and understands. He was kind and fun to the […]

Stitch Fix 2024 Unboxing: Sometimes Fitted is Better than Baggy

Welcome back to another fun Stitch Fix 2024 unboxing and try on! This is my February 2024 Stitch Fix style box. I am currently signed up to get a new box every three months. Out of this box, I kept three items. There is one item I am most excited about and two items I returned. If you have never tried Stitch Fix, I wholeheartedly recommend it. It is basically just trying on a box of clothes someone else picked out for you. You pay $20 for a Stitch Fix stylist to select clothes for you. However, if you keep […]

Dolly Parton’s New Book is Too Much Fun

I saw Dolly Parton’s new book in Target a month or so before Christmas. The moment I saw it, I knew I absolutely had to read this book. Y’all! It looks like a Barbie gift we would have gotten back when we were ten. It’s pink and pretty and Dolly! (All Amazon links on this page are affiliate links, so I do earn commission when order through many of the links on my website.) Rarely do I know what I want for Christmas, but this year I had two requests. One was a practical book to help me stay organized […]

Indulge in a Delicious Chili Recipe That’s Not Too Spicy!

This chili is easy to make and delicious. I have entered it into two different chili contests, and it won one and placed second in the other one. If you want an easy chili recipe that is not too spicy, this is the one for you. Your family will love it. I am including it in a printable version because sometimes it is impossible to find things again on the internet. Award Winning Chili Recipe that is Not Too Spicy Ingredients: Directions:    If you want your chili to be spicier, you can replace one can of tomatoes with a can […]

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

Do you ever have days where you have no energy and you do not felling like doing anything in the world? I am not too proud to admit that I have seen many no-energy days where it feels almost impossible to do anything. Let me tell you, I had two hard-core, no energy at all days, last week. January was getting to me or something! All I wanted to do was wallow on my sofa, but then I felt guilty about not getting my stuff done. Sometimes I do not even know why I have no energy. Maybe it’s hormones, […]