20 Popular Trends I Refuse to Do

20 Popular Trends I Refuse to Do

There are a lot of popular trends I just refuse to do.

Trends come and go, and it is funny how it works. We try some out, and we refuse to do the other latest, greatest most popular trends. Fidgit spinners, poppers, skinny jeans, these things all pop up for a while and eventually they die. Skinny jeans are taking a little long to die, but then they do tuck awfully nicely into boots.

Last night I came across something that is a current trend that I would never do. I was up reading, and I had an email that mentioned a challenge where you PURPOSEFULLY take cold showers.

On purpose!

I am pro-self-comfort. Why would they do this??? It would have to make me lose 10 pounds on the spot for me to consider it worth it. Otherwise, not happening. Here’s a link to the challenge. You can read all about it on many different websites because this is sort of a movement. But first, let me tell ya. This got me thinking….

It got me thinking that I am perfectly happy to miss out on many things in life.

There are a billion trends that might be popular, but I do NOT ever have to do them. In fact, I flat out refuse.

So I thought it would be fun to make a list. Anyway, it was 12 am, I had a lot on my mind, and insomnia was in full effect, so I did make this list. I bet if you think about it you have plenty of fads you refuse to take part in too.

All The Popular Trends (off the top of my head) Which I Refuse to do. Pass.

And y’all tell me which ones you agree with at the end, but please do not try to talk me into doing them. It ain’t happening.

20 trends I refuse to participate in. #1. Canning.
Pretty to look at, but not something I need to do.

1. Canning

I can buy cans of food at the store. Plus, I do not have a farm or a garden, so no need to do that. In the words of Forrest Gump, “So you know, one less thing.”

2. CrossFit

Too hard. My wimpy body is not made for it. I can do other exercises. It is okay.

3. Spinning Classes

Y’all. I had no idea. Somewhere between 2009-2010, I innocently and ignorantly walked into a Spinning Class. I thought, “Hey, stationary bikes are easy. I can do this.”

HA! Enter the 60-year-old fit little woman who taught the class. She had us standing to pedal, and squatting to pedal, and sit-stand-sit-stand-sit-stand. I somehow finished the class, though I have no idea how. It was by far the hardest workout class I have ever attended.

Once it was over, I left, with the full knowledge that I would never, never, never ever do that again.

4. Being on all the committees—-and usually I am on no committees at all.

I saw a quote from someone that said, “Many people go through life like a thrown stone.” I do not wish to be said stone. Life needs slow down time, and I cannot slow down if I volunteer for all the things.

5. Downloading all these data sharing money saving shopping apps.

Swagbucks. Ibotta. I don’t know. There are so many of them, and they probably could benefit me and make me some money. And we have four kids to put through college in the near future, so we could always use money. The thing is I just cannot keep up with all these apps and mini-tasks and receipt scanning and rules.

I guess this is one I may eventually try.

6. Actually, I cannot even keep up with all the store and restaurant apps these days.

Seriously, everyone has an app and they want you to use it! It seems like a bit much to keep up with.

7. Sell things.

It is very popular for military wives to sell things on the side. This is understandable because we move all the time, and we need income that moves with us. Selling stuff makes me want to poke out both my eyes, so no, not for me.

8. Go back and get a masters degree.

I realize this list is starting to make me sound lazy, but did I mention we have four kids to put through college? Another degree is not what I need. A job is what I will need.

9. Only post perfect, aesthetically pleasing photos on Instagram.

I mean mostly this is because I do not know how to take perfect, aesthetically pleasing photos, so I cannot exactly post them.

10. Pack school lunches.

Again, four kids. Pass. I will pay for the school lunch, and they are hungry so they will eat it.

11. Cook a big breakfast.

Not a morning person. Cereal was good enough for me, it is good enough for my family. Do not feel bad for them. We also sometimes buy Eggos and bagels. Plus, they know how to make scrambled eggs when they want them.

12. I am not doing my kids’ homework or projects for them. It is okay if his best gets him a B.

Look, I did not enjoy 6th grade the first time, but I did it myself. Now my kids are going to do it themselves too. But I will admit I do HELP them sometimes, when they desperately need me to. That is my job. It is my job to help.

I cannot tell you how much I dislike school work. Once was enough for me. When it was my own work, I did not mind it because I could just do it, get it over with, and be done. Helping is harder, I am telling you.

13. I am not wearing those crop tops or bra shirts, and I think they should give us the bottom half of our shirts back.

14. Eat kale.

The sentence alone sounds like you are cursing someone. “Yeah, well, go eat kale.” haaaaa!!!!

Y’all! There are so many DELICIOUS GREENS. I enjoy collards, turnip greens (I am from Alabama, okay?), romaine lettuce, iceburg. Even spinach is okay. Arugula is my favorite. So WHY, WHY would I subject myself to kale???

There was no kale when we were kids. I swear no one in Alabama heard of kale in the 1980s. Why is it suddenly everywhere?

15. Take a cold shower on purpose!

Seriously. Yes, I mentioned it in the introduction, but it still has a place on the list.

Besides, I have Raynaud’s Disease. I actually use showers to thaw out my toes.

16. Manicures or pedicures.

This is not exactly a trend. Mani/pedis have been around for a while, but it is not fun to me.

I mean, I just do not really like other people touching me. I’m hesitant to say that because, like Olaf, I do enjoy warm hugs. But I would rather not have anyone else massage my hands or shave off my dead heel skin. I just, ick, no.

18. Tattoos

Sorry. I know half the country seems to love them, but I ain’t getting one.

19. Dye my hair a crayon color.

Again, I hope I am not hurting everyone’s feelings. You wear whatever color hair you want. But my hair is a little crayon-like as it is, so I am good. I don’t think it is cute, and I could never maintain it.

20. Wear false eyelashes.

That looks like a lot of aggravation. Dealing with contacts is enough for me.

Although, my Maw-maw used to wear them every day of her life. Yes, that was in the 1900s, and they looked nice on her. Still too much work for me though.

21. Host another yard sale. Noooooo

The agony.

22. Allow anyone to talk me into watching another horror movie.

Why do ya’ll do this? I fail to see which part is fun. I want to sleep peacefully, thank you.

23. Give up carbs. No jeans size is worth that.

Well, I mean I would do it for a day or two. No more. I wish I were the kind of person with that level of self-control, but alas, I am not.

I talk about my little baby steps I actually am trying to lose weight in this recent post.

Please do not be offended by my list.

These things are funny to me. I am sure you have your own list. You might even say, “I would never stoop to blogging on the internet,” while I happen to think that’s a blast. People are different. That is how God made us, and our differences are beautiful.

For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.

Romans 12:4-5

……And I realize this was a kind of negative post, so NEXT time I plan to make a list of trends I am willing to try out. I promise there are some. Well, let me look into it.

How about you?

7 thoughts on “20 Popular Trends I Refuse to Do

    • Author gravatar

      Love this! #12 made me think about all of the science projects that seems to be a family affair. We’ve even helped grandbabies in another state via FaceTime with theirs. ENOUGH!! #15 have you seen the people doing the cold water plunges where they sit in an ice cold feed trough for 3 minutes? CRAZY!! #16 I refuse to do either as I personally don’t think they’re sanitary. YUCK!! #20 my real eyelashes already smudge my glasses. Why would I want to put on those ridiculous looking fake ones? I’ve seen some that look like they might take flight any moment!!!

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Author gravatar

      I could ditto you on most of them even if I am an antique.

    • Author gravatar

      Amen, sister! I don’t get the tattoos, crayon hair colors, crop tops, and bushy false eyelashes! Some of these false eyelashes look like a squirrel’s tail! And I don’t get the nose piercing, lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, etc. I’ll just stick to one hole in each ear, thank you very much!

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