Bible Verses
7 Bible Verses for Strength When the World Feels Shaky

7 Bible Verses for Strength When the World Feels Shaky

Sometimes the world feels like shaky ground, and hope can feel far away. We need to find a good word from the Bible that gives us strength to face our worries. I really don’t know how unbelievers manage to stay sane.

Does anyone else feel like the definition of dreary right now? I have a head cold and was up coughing for the past three nights. The sky is dreary and cold, and then there’s all the scary world news.

As an Army wife and just a dweller of Earth, this is scary news. You do not have to live in Ukraine to be affected by this.

bible verses for strength

I feel like even my body knows this and has respectfully come down with an obnoxious head cold to remind me that the world looks scary right now, even if it looks normal in my own front yard.

But you didn’t come here for bad news, you came here for a stabilizing word from the good book, so let’s talk about that.

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for Strength When the World Feels Shaky:

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#1.) PSALM 37:25-26

This whole chapter of Psalm 37 is chock full of encouragement. It is like a motivational speech all on its own. When I was a junior in college, I copied the entire chapter and stuck it to the wall of my dorm room. When the future feels uncertain, Psalm 37, Psalm 37. Every time. Psalm 37.

So a couple of these come from Psalm 37, including this first one.

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#2.) Psalm 37:1-2

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#3.) Psalm 112

This is another chapter where you should see the whole chapter. It’s short, but it’s powerful.

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#4.) Isaiah 41:13

Fear not. I feel like God cannot tell us that too often.

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#5.) Matthew 11: 28-30

This one speaks to me loud and clear. I could only neatly fit two verses on the picture above, but really you need Matthew 11:28 too, so here’s the whole thing:

Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#6.) John 16:32-33

These may be my favorite verses on this list. If you put too many words on an image, people miss the weight of the words, so I split it into two images. That’s why John 16:33 is also our #7….

7 Stabilizing Bible Verses for When the World Feels Shaky

#7.) John 16:33

Yes, clear and simple, in the world we will have tribulation. But don’t fret. God has already overcome the world. He knows how it all will end, and these bodies may only be temporary, but the spirit is eternal.


No matter what the world throws at us, God is still in control. We have so little control over ourselves. We might as well rest in the Lord and not fret.

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