About Me

Hi! I’m April!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I’m an Alabama girl living all over this country with my husband and four sons. We’ve been a military family for twenty years now.

We currently are gearing up for our next big move, so many of the articles you find here are about moving, decluttering, and organizing.
I used to mostly write stories about the hilarious life that is raising four children over at storiesofourboys.com. As the boys got older, some of them didn’t want me to write about that any more, so I decided to dedicate this blog to be more about my quest for self-improvement.
It’s funny because I love self- help books so much, and much of this blog will focus on that, but I think contentment with who and where you currently are is also important. We champion both contentment and growing here.
That’s how I settled on the name “Getting My Act Together.” I feel like I’m always in various stages of getting my own act together. You know?
I’ve devoted all of my adult life to raising children, and as they grow and need me less and less I find myself facing that age old question that I had so much trouble answering in my college years. “What do I want to be when I grow up?”
I’m still not sure, but for now I’m going to do this because sitting here alone at home typing out stories and projects is oddly fun to me.

Thank you for following along!