Moving in 5 Days (Kid Blogger’s Account of the Moving Process)

My mom thinks moving is very stressful. What’s worse is that mom can’t cook any meals from home, so we have to get fast food A LOT. She sometimes still cooks from home. But probably not anymore until we move because the movers come Tuesday, and it is Sunday. So we are very close to moving, which I’m really excited because I’m going to have my own room for the first time ever. It will be a man cave, a football one, because I really like football–tackle football. My Grandma is coming over to unpack because for some reason she […]

Why Car Trips Feel Like Eternity to Kids (by Kid Blogger, JD)

Car trips feel so long to kids because there is always someone who keeps on farting. Another reason why car trips feel so long is because they ARE long. Well, they are if you’re me, which you are not. But if your grand parents live in Alabama, and you live in Maryland, it takes 13 hours to get to Alabama, and 15 to where my other grandparents live. That is even longer if you have a family with 6 people + a dog. It feels like eternity to get there, and there are so many other reasons why car trips […]

7 Fun Ways for Kids to Entertain Themselves

Very often kids need to find something to do, and John David is here to give you some ideas for how kids can entertain themselves. Everything below was written straight from my eight-year-old to yours. Only one of them (shopping) requires help. The rest are all things can do for themselves. 7 Fun Ways for Kids to Entertain Yourself #1. Go shopping The first way is to go shopping because if you do, you can find a lot of things you want or need. The same goes for your kids because you can get super fun things, like a mini […]

Learning Something New: How to Play Football Lessons from John David

Today I have a guest post from my son. He’s eight, but he is a football expert. John David can rattle off to you every single team in the NFL and who their quarterback is. He’s excited for the upcoming NFL draft to see who will go where. JD also loves to play football, not just watch it. So he’s also anxiously tracking the start date for kid football season sign-ups. We are in the middle of a move, so he had me look up when exactly football sign-ups are in the new town so he does not miss them. […]