Moving in 5 Days (Kid Blogger’s Account of the Moving Process)

My mom thinks moving is very stressful. What’s worse is that mom can’t cook any meals from home, so we have to get fast food A LOT. She sometimes still cooks from home. But probably not anymore until we move because the movers come Tuesday, and it is Sunday. So we are very close to moving, which I’m really excited because I’m going to have my own room for the first time ever. It will be a man cave, a football one, because I really like football–tackle football. My Grandma is coming over to unpack because for some reason she […]

The Whole Truth About Moving Stress & Anxiety

This is my whole truth about coping with moving stress. I am not doing an amazing job. No, I am not even doing a good job, not even a decent job. In fact, let’s be real. I am at a fairly low point. Notice I did not title this article “how to handle moving stress.” That was on purpose. I would have no business writing that. Why am I so stressed? I don’t fully know. As a whole, this move, which started out extremely shaky, is going MUCH better now. Finding a house was a nightmare. But that’s done. We […]

Why Car Trips Feel Like Eternity to Kids (by Kid Blogger, JD)

Car trips feel so long to kids because there is always someone who keeps on farting. Another reason why car trips feel so long is because they ARE long. Well, they are if you’re me, which you are not. But if your grand parents live in Alabama, and you live in Maryland, it takes 13 hours to get to Alabama, and 15 to where my other grandparents live. That is even longer if you have a family with 6 people + a dog. It feels like eternity to get there, and there are so many other reasons why car trips […]

How to Have a Successful Personal Monthly Planning Session

This is another one of my FAVORITE new ways I have found this year to truly feel like I am getting my act together: the monthly planning session. I originally called it my monthly meeting with myself. But to sound more sane, we will just say “monthly planning session.” The idea of setting aside time to do a monthly planning session is another tip I learned from What do I mean by personal monthly planning session? I’m glad you asked. This is a time during the first week of the month where we plan out the whole month that […]