Day 16 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Home Office

For day sixteen, we are decluttering our home office.
I don’t mean our desks again. I mean the other areas of our office, like the file cabinet, printer shelf, or any area where we keep office supplies.
If this were not such a hectic day at our house, I could have done so much more. The 30 Day Decluttering list assigns today fifteen minutes of decluttering time. I had to settle for ten minutes of decluttering and five minutes of filing.

The Christmas season is starting to truly crank up, and I am about already whooped. Are any of you as weary of Christmas commercialism as I am? I kind of wish it could be more like Thanksgiving. You know? I like a holiday where we get together and eat instead of loading up our credit cards trying to guess what our family and friends might like.
Christmas is so magical for children, and I want to keep it that way. I want them to feel excited and spoiled on Christmas day. But I feel like we adults could do some cutting back on the spending sprees.
It is supposed to be about Jesus, giving, and love. Somehow it ends up feeling like it’s about shopping.
Oh, wow. Thankfully, my family is keeping me from getting too sour. We are having a precious Christmas moment right now. We have Polar Express playing in the living room, and the boys and JD and his friends are in here all drinking hot cocoa, fully engrossed in this movie. The younger boys have never seen it before. This moment feels exactly how I want Christmas to be, cozy and sweet.

Okay, I have gotten way side tracked. Back to decluttering!
What I did for my home office was pick one out of control catch-all basket and declutter the heck out of that thing.
Towards the end of this video, everyone arrived home and cut my decluttering time a little short. Hey, that’s okay. We do our best with the time that we have, right?
30 Day Decluttering Challenge Printable Pdf:
I took before and after photos today, which are rewarding to see.
If you think of it, take before and after photos for yourself. Then have a hot cocoa as a little reward!

And after….

I consolidated the two baskets of school supplies into the one basket, so it is a little too full. That enabled me to eliminate the second basket from the floor though, so I am happy with that.

Here’s hoping your decluttering will cheer you up today too!!
Tomorrow we are on to day seventeen, the kitchen pantry.
Click here to see the Full 30 Day Decluttering post, with links to each day of the challenge.
[…] Don’t worry. This can take as long or short as you need it to take. I wrote about decluttering your desk here and clearing out your whole home office area here. […]