Day 20 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Worst Kitchen Drawer

For day twenty, we are decluttering your absolute worst kitchen drawer.
Hey, everybody! Welcome back to the Thirty Day Decluttering Challenge. Thank you for hanging in there with me. I know thirty days of decluttering feels like a huge amount.
When you pick your kitchen drawer to work on today, I recommend picking the most chaotic drawer that you use the most. Or just pick the drawer you can benefit the most from decluttering. If you have a “catch-all” drawer, go after that one.
I picked our silverware drawer because it is the biggest drawer in our kitchen, and it is the only one that we tend to throw everything in.
“Oh! Here’s an important item I don’t want to lose. Let me put it in the silverware drawer.”
Everyone in our family must think that all the time because it seemed like everything remotely kitchen related that we own was in that drawer. Ha! Do you have a drawer like that? If so, go for that thing today. You will be amazed at what you can get accomplished.
Our last house had so many drawers, we had several drawers like this. At this house, all of our drawers are tiny except for this one.
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You can see in the photo, I eliminated everything in front of the containers, and I added a box in the back of the drawer. Then I moved the lids from the front to the back.
I did just as much rearranging as I did eliminating things. I talk about that more in the video. In the video, you can see all the stuff I had to remove from the drawer. It was a lot of stuff.
Organizing as you go is a great idea, in my experience.
Some people will tell you that you should never try to organize while you declutter. I do not subscribe to that philosophy. I naturally organize my drawer as I declutter it.
For example, if I do not go ahead and make a little niche for my long spoons while I am decluttering, then my long spoons are going to scatter and need decluttering again in a week.
Anytime you have a little box readily available for a group of things, I say go ahead and use it. Why not fix something now, as you are decluttering, and save time later?
I also want to point out that you can find perfect little containers for organizing sometimes at Dollar Tree. It is definitely worth a trip to see what they have in stock.
Most of decluttering is picking things out to throw away or give away, but organizing goes a long way too.
As you go through your drawer, try to find things you can group together naturally. Small things need a little box to sit in so they don’t end up rolling around the drawer causing trouble.
Big chunky things you do not use frequently, like our cup lids, can go in the back of the drawer.
It does not have to look like a Pinterest image to be a solution that works.
You do want it to be pleasing enough to the eye that you can find what you are looking for, but don’t sacrifice the good in your pursuit of Pinterest perfection. If you wait until you have all the perfectly sized matching baskets like you saw on Pinterest, you might be waiting forever. Instead, see what you can get done today.
That’s my mantra: “See what you can get done today.”
Hopefully, today you have ten minutes to work on a kitchen drawer.

Need a printable list for the challenge? You can download this one below.
Have fun decluttering, y’all! I hope you will join me tomorrow for day twenty-one, a cabinet or shelf in any room. That way we can focus on whatever we feel like needs it the most.
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