Day 23 of the Decluttering Challenge: Kitchen Cabinets or Drawers

For day twenty-three of the decluttering challenge, we are working on our kitchen drawers or cabinets! You can choose whatever in your kitchen you think needs decluttering the most. Go to where your clutter is. It could be cabinets, drawers, counter tops, anything.
I had to work on my counters again because my kitchen counters are this never ending battle at my house. I have told my family several times that the kitchen counter is like my brain. When they put things on the counter it is literally like they are dumping clutter straight onto my brain.
Sometimes I even say, “Wait! No! Don’t put that on my brain!’ when I see someone placing an item on that counter.
Other times, I have to admit, I am the one who leaves things there. Why? Well, I think it is because life is hectic, busy, and hard. hahaha! It is what it is. And you know? It’s okay.
Life is also rewarding and fun. Right? I mean life is both hard and fun, but I am getting off topic so let’s get back to the fun ol’ decluttering challenge.

There is something about taking part in a challenge that is fun and exciting to me, even if we do have to spend the whole thing cleaning up.
The results are fun, and seeing nice cleaned off spaces is enough reward for me. Now if we can just keep them that way!
So, without further ado, here is the video about decluttering the kitchen.
In the video, I said I think my digital photo frame is broken. Good news about that! It is not broken. I just needed to download the app for it back down from the cloud, and it is working again.
Actually, fixing the frame was exciting for the whole family. I heard them all in the kitchen this morning enjoying the new photos on there.
Also, if you will see me soon and you’d like some peanut butter girl scout cookies, let me know. I do not think anyone in my house is going to eat them.
The easiest way to declutter your kitchen is to set yourself a timer. I did ten minutes. Then grab a trash can and start going item by item through your kitchen, looking for things you can move or throw out or donate to a food pantry.

Happy decluttering, y’all! We will take Sunday off and meet back here Monday for day twenty-four, decluttering outdoor storage spaces.
Printable 30 Day Challenge List:
Click here for a link to every single day of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge and the videos.