Day 25 of the Decluttering Challenge: Foyer

Day 25 of the Decluttering Challenge: Foyer

Day 25 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Foyer

For day twenty-five of our Thirty Day Decluttering Challenge, we are cleaning out our foyer.

Do you have a foyer in need of decluttering? It may be a closet or a set of hooks in your foyer that you use the most. Whatever area you tend to use as a launchpad, that is where we are going today.

At our house we have this beautiful hall tree that is probably about a hundred years old. It was my great-grandparents’, and I have memories of seeing it in their foyer my entire childhood. When I was a kid, I thought it was a giant chair that we weren’t allowed to sit in. It doesn’t look giant at all now, so that ‘s funny to me.

foyer before decluttering
Top of the hall tree before
foyer 2 before decluttering
hall tree before

This might be a big job, if you have to go through a whole family’s hat and glove collection like I did.

For your sake, I hope that’s not the case.

Most of the time, I do not recommend pulling everything out of a room in order to declutter it. However, for this job, I felt like that was one hundred percent necessary. I pulled every single item out of the storage compartment of the hall tree.

Then I sorted it into stacks. I had stacks for trash, gloves, hats, ball caps, things to go outdoors, and things to go to specific people’s rooms.

Once I had it all sorted, I had to pair all of the gloves and decide where to put each set of things. I decided for this year, at this house, it will be best to keep the gloves in each boys’ room, except for mine. I have no space in my room, so I put my gloves back in the hall tree.

Four out of the six of us now can wear men’s gloves, so I already have a cube box jam-packed with men’s gloves.

hall tree in the foyer after decluttering
Hall tree AFTER decluttering

The reward level of happiness for this day’s decluttering task is high because everyone who comes to your house sees your foyer. Maybe we should have started with this room!

All total, it took me twenty minutes in the foyer, maybe twenty-two. However, we have a two-story foyer. (It’s a split-foyer floor plan. If that sounds confusing, just see the video.) I did not make it to the bottom level of the foyer. I only had time for the hall tree.

give away bag
All I gave away from the foyer was the book. Not a bad book, but not one I have to keep.

But we don’t focus on what we have not done. Instead, we allow ourselves to feel good about what we have accomplished.

I think that is so important. Sometimes lack of joy comes from dwelling on the negative and not allowing yourself to feel good about anything, and it is amazing how much of that is under our own control. So pat yourself on the back, and allow yourself a little joy.

It’s Christmas. Have a cup of hot cocoa, and be thankful for what you’ve got.

30 day decluttering challenge printable list

You can print out the full 30 Day Decluttering Challenge list below:

Thank you so much for joining me in this! Y’all are my favorite people. The ones who cheer you on or support you in what you do are just the absolute best.

I hope you will drop by tomorrow for day twenty-six. We will be decluttering a cabinet, drawer, or anything in our living rooms. I have a blue storage cube of electronics stuff that I am going to declutter and organize, and I am excited about it.

Happy decluttering!

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