Day 27 of the Decluttering Challenge: Toy Bins

Day 27 of the Decluttering Challenge: Toy Bins

Day 27 Decluttering the Playroom toys bins

For day twenty-seven of the decluttering challenge, we are picking out a toy bin or two to declutter.

I bet every single person who reads this has some toy bins to clean out. It may be a box of toys if you are in my phase of life.

This could also mean bins of electronics like I did yesterday. or a cabinet full of DVDs, or a box filled with photographs that need to be moved to photo albums. It could be any box, drawer, shelf, or cabinet in your house that needs to be decluttered!

I find these micro tasks to be so much easier than trying to declutter a whole room! Most of the decluttering challenges I see on the internet go straight to this sort of thing. In fact, if you want to keep going in your decluttering challenge when this one is over, I will try to link to a few of those after day thirty!

Most of us have an insane amount of boxes, bins, drawers, and cabinets in our homes that we could go through!

playroom bin of kids' toys after decluttering
Here’s the bin of toys AFTER I decluttered the box.

For my day twenty-seven, I pulled out one of their largest, most over-flowing toy boxes in our playroom to clean out.

Now I just need to remember to have my younger two go through my giveaway bags to make sure I don’t goof up and give away a treasured possession.

I do think it is important when you share a home with others, even if they are children, to check with them before you give away their things. The best way to check yourself on this is thinking about this question:

“Would I want anyone in my house to go through my things and give a bunch of them away without asking me?”

Ooooo. No. Absolutely not. No thank you. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated, especially our own children.

Putting yourself in other people’s perspective is such a powerful way to consider any choice. Decisions can be hard.

Thankfully, a lot of toys in this box that I went through today were costumes, so I am a decent judge of which ones still fit my kids and which ones do not.

giveaway bags of toys
These are the toys I bagged up for Goodwill, pending the boys’ approval.

Today is easy. This can be fun! The video is ten minutes long, so you can start the video, and play it in the background while you declutter your toy bins.

This is the perfect activity for the week before Christmas, when you are about to be inundated with more toys!!!

Do you need a 30 Day Decluttering Challenge printable list? Click below to print this one out.

30 day decluttering challenge

We may not have time to go through every bin, so we are not even aiming for that today. You can get plenty done in a simple ten-fifteen minute session of cleaning out toy boxes. I only got through one box, but it was a large one. Be happy with what you can get done, and move on. Don’t beat yourself up over anything.

I hope you have some fun decluttering toy bins today! Come back tomorrow for day twenty-eight, the master bathroom! That should be an easy one.

Click here to hop to the Decluttering Challenge intro page, with links to each day of the challenge.

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