Master Bedroom Update: Getting The House Ready To Sell
We have been busy little bees getting our house ready to sell. This week we finished the master bedroom, and we moved on to working on all of the other rooms.
I have so many moving updates!
#1. We officially have a lease signed in the exact neighborhood we wanted to live in to be near our friends. Hurray!!!!
The house has four bedrooms, a beautiful backyard, two family rooms, and a pretty good kitchen, so we are happy, happy, happy.
It has much smaller storage spaces than we are used to, so now I have to go a little harder on getting rid of things. We are losing some square footage as well as one dining area, so downsizing does have to happen.
#2. We have hired a realtor to sell our current home, and that is moving right along.
A photographer is coming to take pictures in a week, and then the house goes on the market in two weeks. Wow! Things are suddenly moving so fast.
#3. I had a professional home stager come and give me a consultation on setting up the house to show.
It just so happens that my friend Emily here is a pro at home staging, and that was such a blessing! Having an expert friend gave me the extra kick in the pants to get this bigger step done.
This is the first time I have ever had a home staging consultation. I highly recommend it. You may be able to get a consultation for only a couple of hundred dollars, depending on where you live. This was massively helpful.
There are so many changes we are making to each room I would never have thought of otherwise. She didn’t have me buy anything either. It’s all about what to take out of rooms, what to move, etc. This was a great help.

#4. Decluttering, decluttering, decluttering!
That has been the name of the game. We are working on every single room in the house.
But our biggest project the past couple of weeks was the master bedroom.
We’ve worked hard on this one because it was pretty out of control. I made a video to document the process.
I was also recovering from covid 2022 in the video, so I have some pointers about that on there for ya as well. If you watch all the way to then end, or fast forward to the end, whatever, you can see how much nicer the bedroom looks now.
Before & After Master Bedroom Video:
After Photos:
Just a disclaimer, I took these pictures, and photography is not my thing. I’ll have better ones to share after next Monday.

Before our official home showings, we will hide the lotion and the hangers and cords too.
One room down, about thirteen to go!
Progress sure does feel good!
[…] Master Bedroom Update: Getting the House Ready to Sell […]
[…] did manage to get our bedroom looking this just in time to sell our last house. Our new bedroom is much […]