Real Stay at Home Mom Outfits You Will Love and Relate to

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Today I thought it would be fun to talk about what a REAL housewife actually wears.
Have y’all seen all these “Real Housewives” reality shows that have been on for the past twenty years now?
About fifteen years ago, I used to watch the Orange County, California one. I think that is where it was. Well, it was in California somewhere.
Those shows crack me up. Who dresses up that much everyday? I guess they are women with high powered careers, who never get to work at home. Of course, the truth is they are probably only in full makeup and heels because they are on t.v.
So just for reference, I took a photo of the ad on t.v. that shows what these women dress like. It is almost unbelievable, the level of….glitz:

It sure is nice to not be on t.v. Have you ever taken a moment to just appreciate that freedom?

I look at the reality stars’ wardrobes, and I look at mine, and the difference is quite laughable. The thing is that I actually am a real housewife. I am not so sure if those women on t.v. are. Rich real estate developers aren’t exactly housewives. They are successful career women. They ought to call the show “The Wealthiest Women of Whatever City.”
But I am not a wealthy woman of any particular place. No, I am an Army wife of an always changing city. And I am going to show you how I dressed this week. I don’t think this is just me though. It is most of us.
This is the “real housewives” everywhere, and this is what we actually wear.
I documented most of my clothes for one week to share with you all. Finding ways to pose was a challenge… I grew up before the age of selfies, and I am still learning how to do them.
Even when I had the kids take the photos for me, I had no idea what to do with my hands, or my face, or my arms…ha!

Why I love this outfit:
The number one thing is that the whole outfit is warm and cozy. I know some people will say it is frumpy, but I say it is okay to be frumpy sometimes.
Also, I love this sweatshirt for sentimental reasons. My college roommate’s then boyfriend, now husband, brought my roommates and I these sweatshirts from his homeland of San Diego. Jason’s dad bought us all these sweatshirts as thank you gifts for giving Jason rides because he did not have a car on campus.
How cool is it to have a sweatshirt that has been a steady part of your life for TWENTY-ONE years??? When does that ever happen? This sweatshirt is not just clothes, it is an old friend.
The gray jogging pants are also a favorite.
I bought these four years ago at Kohl’s. They are Kohl’s generic brand. I think I paid all of ten dollars for them, and I wear them all the time.
Then of course, even in sweats, one must layer.
You can see my navy t-shirt layer. When I am cooking or really getting into the cleaning, I get way too hot to wear a sweatshirt and switch to just the tee.
Also, these are kind of comical, as they are not especially cute. These are the shoes I wore all week long, with everything.

These are Clarks. I LOVE CLARKS. This particular pair is not as cushy as some of their others though.
Outfit #2. Complete with outdoor gear for walking the dog:

I wear this same hat and gloves every day. Things like hats and gloves are easy to lose when you move.

This is another one of my beloved old sweatshirts.
I feel like it is an accomplishment to have two sweatshirts that are over twenty years old! Ha! 1999. Gotta love it. So comfy!!
Meanwhile, I need some kind of selfie class…

Good news. Some days I put on “real clothes,” whether I am leaving the house or not. I do feel so much better about myself when I have my face on. It makes a huge difference.
This is one of my many Stitch Fix shirts. It is only a few years old.
Note the pearl Christmas wreath earrings in the above photo too. I love those.

I should look at pictures of myself more often because I did not realize how out of place my Maryland socks look with my outfit here.
My neighbors gave me these socks as a farewell gift, with a basket full of Maryland things. Let me tell you. Marylanders are above and beyond generous. I think we had three different farewell parties when we moved.
Cheetah shoes + bright yellow socks +gray/blue sweater. LOL. Oh well. My bad.

Christmas earrings are my favorite, and do not get me started on how much I love this more fitted white sweatshirt.
I also have this collection of necklaces and bracelets that I never wear. Why do I do that? Necklaces and bracelets are not part of my housewife uniform. As a group we typically only wear a little jewelry, if any at all. Earrings are my go-to jewelry item for sure.

Cute dog, huh? She is also rocking a comfortable girly dog sweater.
This is my most serious cold weather walking outfit. I got these gray pants from Stitch Fix. They are actually NOT sweatpants. Go me.
I got this monogrammed pullover from Marleylilly. I love that place.
Also, check out Rosie’s blue leash. I like to take purse handles and turn them into dog leashes. They are the perfect length, and the leather is nice and hard to chew through! You know, for the dog. I promise I do not chew on her leashes.
Okay two more real housewife outfits to finish out the week…

I wanted to show you all this adorable sweatshirt I got from Etsy last Christmas. However, I will not subject you to a no-make-up close up…
This goes well with my Hanes sweatpants for the super cold days.
And last but not least, today’s clothes:

These are the coziest pants ever. I have them in two colors. They are thin, but they somehow work for all seasons. North Face make these, and you can find them here. Or, for $3.00 more but free shipping you can also find them on Amazon.
Y’all know you are impressed by my sweatpants collection. BAAAHAHAHAHA
In summary, a real housewife wears the coziest of comfortable clothes in the winter. We rarely wear blue jeans. And you know what? We do not apologize.
I have always LOVED clothes, and I still do. For the colder months, this is what works. Maybe next week I will put on make-up more frequently, but I make no promises.
Did I get it right? Do you dress like this? Or worse? Or better? I seriously love comments, so drop me one below. I do realize some of you dress much better than I do, and I think you look fabulous.
Merry Christmas, y’all!!

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[…] The Real Clothes of the Real Housewives […]
Stretchy pants from Walmart or Kohls are my favorites. Don’t have to wear too many layers or sweatshirts down south.
Yes!! I miss the warmth of the South!!
Much more realistic for sure even though I have never seen any of those programs. Being able to fit into anything from 20 years ago is quite an accomplishment! Love the doggy sweater too.
Thank you!! Well…technically those sweatshirts were too big 20 years ago, so I did not wear them much back then. Ha! But I get to enjoy them now, so silver lining.