Dolly Parton’s New Book is Too Much Fun

I saw Dolly Parton’s new book in Target a month or so before Christmas. The moment I saw it, I knew I absolutely had to read this book. Y’all! It looks like a Barbie gift we would have gotten back when we were ten. It’s pink and pretty and Dolly! (All Amazon links on this page are affiliate links, so I do earn commission when order through many of the links on my website.) Rarely do I know what I want for Christmas, but this year I had two requests. One was a practical book to help me stay organized […]

What we can learn from Jill Duggar’s new book, Counting the Cost

Have you seen the media’s many shock headlines about Jill Duggar’s new tell-all book? I was tracking the release of Counting the Cost for several months before it came out. This was one I knew I had to read! (If you do buy it, use one of my Amazon links. I am an Amazon affiliate and collect small advertising fees). Back in the heyday of “19 Kids and Counting,” I was a big fan of the Duggar family as a whole. I read Michelle’s book, watched the show, and wrote articles about what I learned from them. Despite the family’s […]

How One Book Revolutionized My Year

There is this one book I read recently that has greatly helped me to improve my exercise level, nutrition, and general well being. And honestly, it was kind of an unexpected source. It was just a book I picked up on a whim while out Christmas shopping. I was at Barnes and Noble, Christmas shopping. Somehow I ended up leaving with more presents for myself than for all the people on my list. Ooooops…I handed most of the books I picked out to my husband to serve as my Christmas presents, but there was one book I just couldn’t wrap. […]