How One Book Revolutionized My Year

There is this one book I read recently that has greatly helped me to improve my exercise level, nutrition, and general well being. And honestly, it was kind of an unexpected source. It was just a book I picked up on a whim while out Christmas shopping. I was at Barnes and Noble, Christmas shopping. Somehow I ended up leaving with more presents for myself than for all the people on my list. Ooooops…I handed most of the books I picked out to my husband to serve as my Christmas presents, but there was one book I just couldn’t wrap. […]

What if These Are The Most Important Years of Your Life?

Somewhere over the past year, when I was feeling completely unmotivated, I had this huge, helpful realization. I had the realization that you know what? These are the most important years of my life. So what am I moping around this house for? Did you get in a serious mind mush during the all of the whole Rona rigamarole? (P.S. How surprised was I to just learn from the auto spell check that “rigamarore” is spelled rigamarole? Have I been saying it wrong? How DO you say it?) Anyway, yeah, that whole year of virtual schooling the kids, making vaccine […]

How to Find Extra Minutes to Work on Your Project

I have a problem. You see, I am woefully behind on prepping my house for this move, and I find myself in need of extra minutes. We all get the same twenty-four hours for every single day. No matter who you are. The day is the same. There are twenty-four hours, and no one gets extra minutes. But I am going to need some extra. I want to list our house to sell in May, and that requires me to comb through each room of the house. Our house is over-packed with stuff. Everywhere you look there is clutter. Most […]