If You Have a Loved One on Hospice Care, You Need to Read The In-Between.

This book, The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life’s Final Moments, by Hadley Vlahos, R.N., is a breath of fresh air. If you have a loved one approaching the end of their life or on hospice care, you will learn a ton about hospice and what to expect while chartering the unknown waters of terminal illness. Talking about death and approaching death can feel like a taboo subject. We don’t talk about it a lot. This book addresses death, and yet somehow, this is NOT a depressing book. I found it to be a very informative, reassuring thing to read. I […]

What Covid was Like at Our House in May 2022

I say “what covid WAS like at our house” loosely. The fact is that it is still IN our house. Today is the 3rd Sunday since we found out we were sharing our home with the Rona. Our family gets sick regularly from various cold viruses, but we always test negative. So when I hear sniffles in my house, testing for covid was not even my first thought or response anymore. It was more like an afterthought. My oldest son’s sniffles began the Friday before Mother’s Day. No one paid it much attention. By Saturday morning, he was like, “Yeah, […]

Learning Something New: How to Play Football Lessons from John David

Today I have a guest post from my son. He’s eight, but he is a football expert. John David can rattle off to you every single team in the NFL and who their quarterback is. He’s excited for the upcoming NFL draft to see who will go where. JD also loves to play football, not just watch it. So he’s also anxiously tracking the start date for kid football season sign-ups. We are in the middle of a move, so he had me look up when exactly football sign-ups are in the new town so he does not miss them. […]