Day 30 of the Decluttering Challenge: Medicines

Welcome to the very last day of the Thirty Day Decluttering Challenge! We made it to the end! And for the very last day, we are decluttering our medicine stash. This is ending just in time for us to all celebrate Christmas. I would say “relax and celebrate Christmas,” but who gets to do that until the whole thing is officially over? Christmas is joyous and beautiful and also completely exhausting and overwhelming. At least, that is how I feel about it. Maybe we are doing it wrong! It does feel like a special gift to myself that I have […]

Day 15 of the Decluttering Challenge: Laundry Room

For day fifteen of the decluttering challenge, we are heading into the laundry room to see what we can weed out of there. Welcome back to the challenge! Are you ready to dig in? I had to sweep my laundry room before I could do any digging through shelves because the boys tracked a pile of leaves in there that demanded attention. With that done, I dug through the shelves of cleaning supplies I keep next to my washer and dryer. What do you keep in your laundry room? I ended up throwing away at least seven or eight things, […]

Day 10 of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge: Bookshelves

For day ten, we are working on decluttering bookshelves for ten minutes. I found this to be a fairly easy little job. I did create a mess with all the books I pulled out, though. You will see that in the video. To avoid making a giant pile of books in the floor like I did, you might want to have a second box or bag to put books you need your family members to go through. My youngest son still wanted to keep many of the books I hoped we could get rid of. This is how I solved […]

Day 5 of the Decluttering Challenge: Kitchen Counter Tops

For day five, we are decluttering our kitchen counter tops. If you are anything like me, that is a daily battle. Unfortunately, I am not winning that battle. Today we can set aside ten to fifteen minutes to focus just on that. If you already have thoroughly cleaned off counter tops, this is a great time to work on your table or your kitchen drawers, wherever your kitchen clutter is. At our house, the kitchen counters and the coffee table are, as Flylady calls them, our “hotspots.” I try to constantly clean them off, but it feels like the impossible […]