Big progress & a looming setback for my writing business this month

I have not done an update on my blogging and writing business goal progress in a while. But I have been working very hard on my writing goals! Let’s start with the looming setback in my writing business because that lit some fire under my rear end to motivate me to get to earning more money… I got an email that said I will soon owe $400 in Bluehost web hosting fees. They have definitely gone up on their rates. Ouch. Then my Canva bill came due for over $100. Without Canva, I cannot make all of my pretty images […]

Some things must be kept: Here is what to keep.

Some things must be kept, but you cannot hoard everything. So how do you know what to keep and what to get rid of? Sometimes I get so busy with house cleaning chores that I forget to do the things that I feel driven to do, to write. Writing was always my default. From age eight, it was what I did. I have volumes of journals and blogs. Occasionally, when I was a kid, there was even a poem or a short story. Oh, and letters, I have written so many letters. Letters. Remember letters? I have boxes of old […]