Top 6 Must See Places to Visit in Monterey, California

“What are the best places to visit in Monterey on our vacation?”
This is one of the questions I get asked the most. I lived in Monterey for a couple of years not long ago. Most people I know live in the eastern U.S., so when they take a trip to middle/northern California, they ask me what to see. For all things Monterey vacay, I’m your girl.

There is no better place to vacation than Monterey, California, in my opinion.
They have everything in California: mountains, beaches, incredible sea life unique to the Pacific coast, shopping, beautiful weather all year round. You cannot beat it.
There are RV parks, state parks, national parks, aquariums, zoos, restaurants. Oh! Don’t even get me started on the delicious “New England Clam Chowder” that every restaurant on the coast in Monterey/Carmel area sells. It may have originated in New England, but it sure is delicious in California in a bread bowl.
But no, I never did see any movie stars. Ha!

Most people who contact me can only stay in the area for a day or two, so I’m keeping this list short.
These are the top 6 things I would not want to miss. Plus, between the six of these places, you should be able to suit different groups’ different interests.
#1. Point Lobos State Park
This one is my absolute favorite. If you only have time to do ONE thing, like you are just driving through for part of a day, THIS is your stop. In fact, it is located on Route 1, which is perfect if you are driving down the scenic coast.

Why Point Lobos?
First of all, Point Lobos is a state natural reserve on the coast in Carmel. It has rocky cliffs that look over the Pacific Ocean, and the views are breathtaking.
Second of all, the WILDLIFE. I have never been to Point Lobos and not seen seals. In the spring, there’s even one area where the mother seals give birth and nurse their babies. It’s called a nursery beach, and you can stand there and watch the mothers feeding their babies and teaching them how to handle waves.
Very often you will also get to see sea lions, in a different area of the park, and the occasional sea otter as well. One time, back when I lived nearby, a dead humpback whale even washed up on the shore at Point Lobos. That was quite stinky though…

When you drive into the park, they give you a map. You need the map. Take the map.
Ask the guide where the best place to find sea lions/seals is. He can show you and circle it for you on the map. The first area you come to on the driving route is an area for divers. That’s pretty, but unless you’re diving, that’s not the area you are looking for. Keep driving.
There are several parking areas. Do not despair if the one you’re hoping to park at is full, just keep driving, there will be spaces at the next one.
Each place that you park at, climb out, hike around a little, and soak in the beauty. Then go back to your car and drive to the next parking area. Get out there too, and check out more trails.
The park is so huge. Don’t bother with the inland trails that go into the forests unless you have many days to explore the park. What you don’t want to miss is all on the coast. Stick to the coastal trails. You will see this:

The very last parking area you come to goes to bird island, and has trails that lead to some of the most beautiful areas of the park. That’s where I took the photos up above with the picturesque blue lagoons and the seal nursery. It’s only a seal nursery in the spring months.
There is a large picnic area and public bathroom facility at the last parking lot near bird island too.

#2. Kayaking in Monterey
There are several places where you can kayak in Monterey. We used to own our own kayak, and we’d put in at several different spots. I think the easiest place to go kayaking is the beach in Monterey, close to the Fisherman’s Wharf. Down there they actually have kayaks set up to rent, so you don’t have to have your own.
If you rent a kayak from the place at the beach, they will also let you rent out a wet suit, which comes in handy in the ice cold Pacific Ocean.

Kayaking in Monterey is nothing like kayaking in your average stream. Stay close to shore though, because this is the Pacific Ocean we are talking about.
In one kayak outing, I saw sea otters GALORE, harbor seals, and even a big fat jellyfish. The jellyfish swam right under us, and yeah, it was a little scary to me.
There are whole rafts of sea otters. But you do have to leave the wildlife alone. You aren’t allowed to invade their space or try to feed and pet them. Leave them alone. They feed themselves.

Also, one time I stared at a sea lion who was resting at the docks for too long. It freaked him out, and he spit at me. Seriously, and let me tell you. He had impressive distance on that spit. I got the message loud and clear and moved along.
You see, I was a huge fan of the sea mammals, but they don’t always appreciate being stared at.

#3. Henry Cowell State Park
Before going to Henry Cowell, redwood trees were a marvel I’d only read about in school. I was so pumped to see them in person. There are places in Monterey, Big Sur, and Carmel that claim to have redwoods, and they do. But those are younger, less enormous trees.

The redwoods at Henry Cowell are full grown ginormous. Henry Cowell is close to Santa Cruz. The park is just one hour from Monterey, and it is worth every second of the drive.
The park has a perfect circular trail that is easy for the whole family to walk around and view the forest of redwood trees. We took our family of four boys there, and they all enjoyed it. Another time my parents also made the trip, and it’s fairly handicap friendly. The trails we used were extremely wide and worn down, navigable by a power chair.

Some times of the year, another area of the park also has a full train ride that goes around the park. We thoroughly enjoyed the train ride. The train is by the snack stand that has a small gift shop and extra things for the kids to play on.
This park has so much to do. Take the train ride if they are running it. They will teach you all about the trees and the banana slugs.
P.S. Dogs are even allowed on some trails in the park.

#4. Monterey Aquarium and Cannery Row
If you can afford this part of the trip, it is a pretty awesome aquarium. The aquarium is in downtown Monterey, right on the water. Just look for the giant squid on top of the building.
This is the only aquarium I’ve ever been to where I saw otters inside, then walked outside and also saw an otter, swimming free in the ocean. That was just a chance sighting, though. I can’t promise you will also see sea mammals outside the aquarium, but it does happen!

We also saw a big starfish on a rock out there, and it’s just so neat how it combines the actual ocean with the aquarium.
They have sharks, sea turtles, a sea life petting zoo, stingrays, penguins, sea otters, jellyfish, all sorts of animals. If you have kids with you, try to go. They will love it.

#5. Eat lunch in Carmel-by-the-Sea and drive down 17 Mile Drive
I think the thing that we knew first about Carmel is that Clint Eastwood used to be the mayor. Of course we thought that was cool.
Carmel is a beautiful little seaside town. There are tons of restaurants and shops, so make plans to get some food down here and check out the beaches.

There’s a drive you can take that starts in Carmel and runs up to Pacific Grove, right by the famous Pebble Beach golf course. The photo above and the photo with the pelicans were both taken on the 17 mile drive.
17 Mile Drive also has several scenic spots to stop and take photos like these. This is a simple thing you can do to connect your Point Lobos and Monterey portions of your trip.

#6. Go on a whale tour.
I’ve been on the whale tour out of Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey three different times. It has never disappointed. We have always seen whales.
Not only did we see whales, but we always saw major schools of dolphins or sea lions swimming along with the whales. Then there were sea birds diving in with all the sea lions and whales. It’s a joy to watch.

Whale watching never gets old.
I have written extensively about each of these places, and you can find more of my articles on places to see in Monterey here and here.
Most importantly, make sure you see the Pacific Ocean. It is just such a gorgeous relaxed place.
Oh, and I should warn you, in Monterey, there is a tunnel. It is a short road tunnel you drive through. The tunnel itself is nothing to sweat over. The thing is that northern California is a relaxed, happy place. That means they don’t honk much. So for some reason, when they drive through this tunnel they honk, for FUN. As an east coaster, this was quite triggering for me. I literally moved from Washington, D.C., to Monterey, and I used to just brace myself for the tunnel honking. Not cute, California, not cute.
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[…] Top 6 Must See Places to Visit in Monterey, California […]
I just got back from a trip to California. I loved Point Lobos! Thank you for the tip!
Hurray!!! So glad y’all were able to squeeze it in. I loved Lobos SO much.