All The Different Ways I Want To Get My Act Together
Isn’t if funny how “getting my act together” can mean a BILLION different things?
I don’t want to be organized in just one thing. No, no, I want to be a smashing success in alllllll the things!
That is kind of hilarious because nobody can do everything, right?

So this is my personal I-wish-list. Maybe you have one too. It goes like this…in no particular order…
- Keep a clean house.
- Be in my ideal BMI range. I miss that.
- Make doctors appointments and actually go to them.
- Make sure my children have all their dental/eye/well checks too.
- Cook healthy meals for my family.
- Get exercise regularly.
- Help my children stay on top of their school work.
- Write! Write good stuff.
- Pray, pray, pray. Be an amazing prayer warrior.
- Be a better wife.
- Don’t throw fits when electronics don’t work. (We all have our quirks…)
- Help the poor more.
- Find more non-electronic things for the kids to do.
- Chill.
- Calm down.
- Be calm.
- Be a blessing to others. Be patient and understanding.
But is ALL of that reasonable??? At once? Or more importantly is it reasonable for me?

Those are all excellent things on my list, every single one. But beating myself up because I can’t do them all simultaneously is pointless and not helpful at all.
Ah, the banner of unrealistic expectations. It will get ya every time. That banner will pin you down with the banner pole and then beat you with it.
Ha! Well, you get what I’m saying.
Instead of feeling like a failure because the fact is I dislike house cleaning, I need to just accept that about myself and move on with the things I actually have a hope for.
Y’all, I seriously despise house cleaning. Do you know why? Back when it was only Alan and me and we had no children, I did not hate it. It was easy. Now that there are six people here, you would literally have to vacuum and mop the entire house everyday for it to truly be clean. And yeah, I’m not going to do that. I lack that level of cleaning energy.

My Goal Here With This Blog:
So on this blog, I hope to write about ways I’m learning to “get my act together” in the following areas:
I just want to draw closer to God and encourage others with their walk with God too. The best way I know to do this is to spend some time each day reading God’s word and praying. I want to be more Jesus-like and less judgy-like.
Not going to lie, I don’t want to just “be healthy.” Frankly, I would love to lose twenty pounds.

-House Cleaning
Literally this one steals the most joy from me and results in the MOST impulse purchases on Amazon. My goal in this area is to have a house that looks pretty clean.
My main mental goal is to just be content with where I’m at, while implementing improvements gradually.
Also, I don’t just mean mental health. I also want to always be learning, you know?
Maybe you are like me, and you are just looking to self-improve and criticize yourself less. But maybe you are more in the place where you are just barely hanging on. Life is just survival, and you have trouble even finding hope.
Well, the fact that you are here looking for help is huge because when we are at our lowest sometimes we are too far gone to look for any help. I have found when I am at my lowest, I like to read blogs like this one, pray on my face, and cry in the bathtub (no idea why).
God is real. He is real, and he loves people. In fact, he created people. Pray for help in all that you do.
Life is hard.
It is so ridiculously hard. This earth we live on is no heaven or Garden of Eden. Evil runs rampant, and sometimes it feels like that evil goes unchecked, but it doesn’t. God is still there, and he loves us, and he wants to help us. He keeps giving us so much grace.
If you haven’t read the Bible in a while, start with John in the New Testament. There is hope in there. Hope and love, because that is what we need the most when we want to just get our act together.
My main topics on this blog will be on my efforts relating to everything spiritual, physical, practical, mental, and yes, cleaning (because it nags me).
My first series here is all about decluttering my house to get it ready to sell. You can start following that series here and here. Decluttering is such a great way to help yourself and your family both practically and mentally.
Please always feel free to comment below. Connecting with others is one of my favorite things about blogging.