10 Upbeat Songs for When You Need a Pick-Me-Up
There are times in my life when I don’t even realize how down I am, and how much I need a quick musical pick-me-up until I hear a song that just gets me off my rear or out of the dumps.
I have a whole playlist of mostly uplifting songs over at YouTube you can also check out. I call it my “House Cleaning Jams.”
These are my Top 10. I have them on my Spotify playlist and basically stashed away anywhere I can save music because they are just happy songs. Sometimes a happy song is the ONLY thing that can get me off the couch and back to work on a hum-drum day.
My Top 10 Peppy Songs:
#1.) 1,000 Ships by Rachel Platten
I don’t know why! It’s just so crisp and peppy, and I love it. I cannot not dance to this one while I do my laundry.
#2.) Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison
I KNOW I’m not alone on this one. 81 million views on YouTube, and it isn’t even a video. It’s just a song with this picture. You can’t not love this song. Am I a brown eyed girl? No. Can I relate to these lyrics? Not really, but it’s just such a fun song.
#3.) Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee
I’ve liked this song ever since it was on a Disney special on t.v. in the late 1980s. Did you see that special? It was called Dtv? It had a lot of great songs animated with Disney movie scenes.
#4.) Feel This Moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera
It’s kind of rare that I like a song that starts out as a rap song, but this one is just so much fun.
#5.) Better When I’m Dancin’ (Meghan Trainor)
This one has a special place in my heart because I heard it when I was at an all time low back in 2016, and it kind of snapped me out of my gloom that day.
#6.) Me Without You (TobyMac)
This one has more depth than the others on this list, so this one is encouraging on another level. You don’t have to be in love or a brown eyed girl to relate. Ha! We are all not alone with God, set to upbeat music. Love it.
#7. This One’s For the Girls by Martina McBride
Ok, now this one I also deeply relate to, and it was really an anthem for me when it came out back around 2002 or so. When she said girls in their twenties in tiny apartments living on SpaghettiOs, I was like, “OHMYGOSH!! THIS IS MY LIFE!” That was the year Alan went to Iraq and I was literally in my twenties, living in an apartment, eating SpaghettiO’s like no tomorrow.
When I hear it now, I just smile.
#8.) Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace
I’ve been listening to this song for ages, and I just never get tired of it. So good, so pure. Love it.
#9.) You Can’t Hurry Love by The Supremes
The Supremes. No explanation required. Who doesn’t love this?
#10.) ME! (Taylor Swift and Brandon Urie of Panic! At the Disco)
I feel so happy every time I hear this one.
And that’s the whole point of this list, just ten happy songs to brighten your day.
I’d love to hear suggestions for more to add, so drop your favorites in the comment section below.
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[…] happy music, and open the blinds and let the sunshine in. Moving is stressful. Give yourself […]
What fun songs! Definitely saving this for those down days. 😊
Thank you, Michelle! And thank you for being the first person to leave a comment on my new website. 🙂