When You Want a Do Over

This is one of those days when by lunch I wanted a do over. Isn’t that like the ultimate little kid thing to say??? “Watch me!” *goofs it up* “Do over! Do over! It was the wind. I get a do over.” But you know what? Life isn’t the Olympics…I mean not usually. I’ve never been to the Olympics, nor am I an athlete of any kind. For some rare members of the human race, I guess some days life really is the Olympics… Ha! But most days aren’t. So you know what? We can absolutely have a do-over on […]

A Simple Goal Derailed

Today a very simple goal completely derailed. I was going to get a jump start on cleaning my whole house. That is no small goal. It is a four bedroom house. People hire maids to do this all the time. These professionals come in, you give them $200 or so, and they clean your entire house in hours. How do they do that??? I am completely incapable of it, and I know this. Instead I set myself 30 minute timers and work for half an hour, rest for twenty, then go back to work. Yeah, maybe it sounds lazy. I […]