Good Reasons Not to Fret Over all the World’s Problems

This article is the second part of my series on Handling Stress. As I mentioned in my last post, Psalm 37 has always been a huge inspiration to me when I am going through a hard time. The very first two verses of Psalm 37 remind us not to fret because of the evil we see in the world. Evildoers will soon fade like the grass. All these problems and people are temporary. Life on earth is temporary. I feel like this is God telling us to chill and to stop freaking out. This is funny to me because honestly […]

37 Tips for Handling Stress (The Stressed Out Series)

Welcome, to my new series on the blog: The Stressed Out Series. If you have been here before, you know the theme of our summer was moving. Actually, the theme of the whole first half of the year was moving. Now we are moving on to the theme of stress management, because as it turns out if the theme of your year is moving, stress is going to come along too. Most of the boxes are unpacked, but I still have not found JD’s clothes, the scale, or my Fitbit charger, just to name a few. School has already begun, […]

5 Reasons to Not Take Yourself so Seriously

Today I realized something important. I have been taking myself too seriously. Do you ever do that? Have you ever been in the middle of a personal crisis and suddenly realized, “Wait a minute. I need to chill.” Life does not have to be a serious, sad thing. Instead, let life be what you want it to be. Yes, we have had a hard summer, but I have to remember that it is also still funny. This week lots of funny things happened, and I did not laugh at any of them! Have you ever had a phase like that? […]

7 Soothing Bible Verses You Need to Know

Some times life is overwhelming, and we all need a little soothing. It reminds me of when we had babies, and the experts would talk about how babies have to learn how to self-soothe. As life goes on, it feels like I keep leveling up on the stress game. Okay, you know how to handle a baby now? Try a toddler. Okay, you survived the toddlers, here are some new and different challenges, uniquely made, just for you. Life can be an epic obstacle course. I mean think about it. If it isn’t a challenge, it is just a boring […]

How We Unpacked Our Whole House in a Week

Guess where we are. We are on the other side of the move, and we basically unpacked our whole house in a week. Most of it was even finished in three or four days. I don’t remember how long it took me to do it on my own last time, but it was way longer than this. Video One Is the Week Before the Move. This was my July 14th update, and it has a few moving tips. If you do not need moving tips and only have time for one video, skip the first one and watch the second […]