My Honest Review of the 2023 Flylady 101 Class

Last week I finished the very last day of the Flylady 101 Class on YouTube, and I want to tell you all about it. As I mentioned before, when I first started the class, Flylady 101 is completely free. I must confess, I climbed into a serious Flylady warp zone in the past month, as I went all in on Flylady. I took the class, read the book, downloaded the app, and I even signed up for the email list! It is very rare for me to go whole hog like this, but after moving from a larger house to […]

Easy Dinner Hack: Turn Any Recipe into a Crockpot Meal

Finding easy dinner hacks is one of the main themes of my adult life. I have four kids, life is busy, and having easy dinner ideas is important for our whole family. Everyone loves to eat. My favorite way to make cooking dinner easier is to turn just about any recipe I find into a crock pot recipe. Why? For a few reasons: -The hours after the kids and my husband get home from school are the most exhausting, chaotic hours. Add trying to get to evening sports practices to that, and you can forget being able to focus on […]

How to Declutter Your Out of Control Desk in the Time it Takes to Microwave Your Lunch

This week, I decluttered my dumpster fire of a desk in the time it took me to microwave my lunch, and I had a good time doing it. I used a handy decluttering hack from Flylady. And no, I did not shove it all in a drawer. I properly decluttered the desk in about ten minutes, and I am going to show you how I did it. First, I want to point out that apparently a messy desk is a sign of genius. However, as genius as we may be, sometimes we need to clean it up just so we […]