5 Baby Steps to Lose Weight That I’m Starting Right Now
I know this sounds like ridiculous January optimism crying out over here, but y’all, I have a strong desire to take baby steps to lose weight this year.

And I have to give Alan’s Aunt Ellen the credit for introducing to me the idea of using baby steps for weight loss in order to get there.
I mentioned to the family that I felt like my weight was getting out of control, and I want to do something about it. Ellen gave me some helpful suggestions that sounded like things I could actually do. Her suggestion of “baby steps” gave me hope! The fact is when it comes to living healthier I am ONLY capable of small steps.
I am also incapable of sticking to anyone’s “diet plan” or fad diet. Nope. Can’t do it. Won’t do it. No Atkins, Keto, South Beach shenanigans over here. I need to eat carbohydrates to remain a nice person.
Really, I am trying. The hardest struggle is the food crutch part, but we will talk about that in a minute.
So here is what I am trying to do, and as my blog readers I guess you are stuck as my accountability partners because I plan on reporting back to you whether I can stick with this.
Maybe it will work just because I have told you all, and I do not like disappointing people.

The 5 Baby Steps I am Experimenting with and how Week 1 went:
Well, technically, I am still in week one. This is day five, to be exact.

#1. Do a workout for 15 minutes every single day.
As a rule, I am unathletic, weak, and I do not enjoy exercising. I do not think it is fun.
However, five days in, and with every major muscle group in my body hurting, I am feeling pretty good about this. I use the Fit 52 app, which I wrote about here. Fifteen minutes is not bad!
Sounds familiar, I tried making myself do workouts last year too. Only last year I was trying to do the 30 minute workouts, and that takes more of your day than 30 minutes. First, you prepare for your work out. Then you do the exhausting thing. And that feels like a lot to me. THEN, you must shower, etc. It just feels like a big commitment.
15 minute workouts feels like a WAY easier more doable commitment, so I am a huge fan of this method. Last year I never got sore because I never did my exercises more than two days in a row. It was too much. This way so far I am more faithful to do it, so I am feeling more results.
#2. Find a new crutch: NOT FOOD.
Y’all, nothing gives me as much comfort as yummy food and a snack. Plus, if I am hungry, I am eating. So someone needs to give me a new crutch, a non-harmful one. Suggestions, anyone?

#3. Take a walk every day that it is not raining.
This is not a new step. That is why I am including it. I cannot make many changes at once successfully. Walking is what I was already doing. That is why just walking does not help me lose weight. I have always walked.
#4. Spread my meals out a bit to every three hours.
Say what? Yeah. I stay at home, so I tend to eat allll day long. It has always helped me to maintain weight or lose it if I set myself an eating schedule. It is a concept I learned from Jorge Cruise many years ago when it was his weight loss plan.
It goes like this:
-breakfast (about 250 calories)
-3 hours later a snack of 100-150 calories
-lunch 3 hours later (400ish calories)
-afternoon snack 3 hours later (100 cal)
-dinner 2 hours later (400ish cals)
That is an ideal day example, but you get the idea.
But y’all, I never stick to those calorie amounts. I am not a dedicated calorie counter. I feel like if I keep my meals at 600 and under I have done well.
The 3 hour plan keeps you from getting over-hungry and binge eating everything in sight, or at least that is the idea. For me, it is actually more distance between food than I normally have because I usually eat even more often than three hours.

#5. Trying to eat a salad or snack that is a fruit each day.
When Alan is home I get the extra advantage that he makes awesome salads. While I enjoy eating salads, I do not enjoy creating them.
Also, I count popcorn and nuts as fruits. LOL. Look, baby steps, okay. I did not say that I am a nutritionist. I am clearly NOT.
Why bother trying to lose weight?
I think I am the least healthy person in my household. And during this move I gained six pounds, which horrified me because I was already bigger than I used to be. Also, some of my pants do not fit well, and I simply REFUSE to go up yet another size. I have already compromised so many sizes.
I have a hard time with moving depression, and I leaned heavily on food as a crutch this year. Food was my comforting friend. I love food. Don’t you?
So I would love feedback from you all about baby steps that help you. Also, misery loves company, so I like hearing from others who also struggle with this and can relate!!
[…] about the whole weight loss thing, I have good news about that too. Small, good news. I have lost four […]
I think it is all about baby steps too; I try to eat smaller meals every 3-4 hours too. Though I did just sit down this morning and go through my whole month of meals and realized I had been eating more like 3 giant meals and 2 small snacks so I’m trying to correct that going forward. Baby steps really do add up over time. Best of luck to you!
You probably did better than me. I do well all day and then lose control after dinner…. Ooooooops!!!