A Simple Goal Derailed

Today a very simple goal completely derailed.
I was going to get a jump start on cleaning my whole house. That is no small goal. It is a four bedroom house. People hire maids to do this all the time. These professionals come in, you give them $200 or so, and they clean your entire house in hours.
How do they do that??? I am completely incapable of it, and I know this. Instead I set myself 30 minute timers and work for half an hour, rest for twenty, then go back to work. Yeah, maybe it sounds lazy. I do not love house cleaning though, so that was my plan.
I got out this cleaning caddy I bought at Target recently and filled it with cleaning supplies. Such high hopes I had. There is a mirror in the hallway, and I cleaned it. I did a little dusting in the hallway.

Meanwhile, my husband, knowing about my plan, got out the vacuum cleaner and went to work.
“Wow,” I thought, “If he is helping me too, we are going to get so much cleaning done today!!”
He vacuumed all of the rooms on the main floor except for one. He did not get to that last room because he threw his back out. Poor dear. I guess we are not as young as we used to be.
I took over and vacuumed the last room. Then I sorted through a stack of hand-me-down clothes and stuff to give to Goodwill. It felt good to get that pile out of the house.
The timer went off, and I sat down to have phone app time.
Alan announced that he would like to take me out for a lunch date.
Unexpected news. The day began to unravel.
It had started so well.
Going out for lunch meant completely switching gears. My hair was several days overdue for a washing. You know how people used to laugh about using “I have to wash my hair” as an excuse to not go out with someone? Well, that’s actually a legit excuse. If I have to wash my hair, that is a significant chunk of time. I have a ton of unruly hair.
The hair has to be washed, then I have to sit down and rest a minute from all that showering. Then of course I have to dry my hair, put my contacts in, and fix my face.
After all that jazz, and going out to eat, my body insisted on a siesta. I really had no choice.
Once my nap was over, I still only had enough energy to cycle the laundry and plop down for some computer work. I hate to admit it, but no more real cleaning was happening today.
Choosing What Thoughts to Listen To
My natural thought process is to chastise myself for being such a failure. Self-criticism is my default.
“The only thing I really cleaned today is the foyer and a little vacuuming. What a failure.”
“Why don’t you have any energy. You are useless.”
These are horrible, unhealthy thoughts.
The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst helped me turn that around in my life. I still do it, but reading that book taught me the importance of not beating myself up with my thoughts.
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Instead of thinking of all the negatives, we NEED to turn it around.
Instead of, “I only accomplished this. I am a failure,” say to yourself, “Hey, we got a lot done in thirty minutes. Tomorrow we might do even more.”
“Hey, I got to spend quality time with my spouse today.”
“Thank you, Alan, for taking me out to eat. Mexican food is delicious.”
“Hey, I got to take a nap. What a blessing!” There were years I wanted a nap so badly but could not take one.

I have to seriously remind myself to be thankful.
Be happy with what you HAVE done instead of just bummed over what you HAVEN’T.
Isn’t it funny how we can be so much harder on ourselves than we are on other people?