10 Reasons Why You Need to Take a Family Vacation

A good solid family vacation is what we all need this summer. You need it for your mental, physical, and spiritual health!! It does not have to be expensive or all that far away from home. But I hope you get to leave town this summer and go do something fun with your family. I love family vacations. In fact, that might be another reason I will never be rich. But I don’t care, and neither should you. The fact is we ALL need a family vacation this summer, next summer, and every year after. In fact, it does not […]

The 7 Most Helpful Gluten Free Baking Tips From My Experience

Gluten Free Baking Tips I Wish I had Known at the Beginning I love to bake. Unfortunately, I cannot tolerate gluten at all. Therefore, since being diagnosed with celiac in 2016, I have had to learn how to bake gluten free. And of course, like most beginning gluten free bakers, I had to make ALL the mistakes myself in order to learn what I have learned. Today I just want to tell you the most important gluten free baking hacks I know to help you avoid the mistakes that I made. I have wasted money on special gluten free cookbooks […]

15 Helpful Self Improvement Quotes Straight from the Bible

When it comes to inspirational quotes on things like self improvement, character, life choices, anything like that, I think your best source is straight from the Bible. Think about it. Who do you want your life to please? Yourself? Your sister? Or your judgy neighbor? Your parents? Or your kids? It cannot be done. We cannot live to please all these people we know. Only we know our own whole story. Only us, and God. All we need to please is God. Well how do we even do that? In what ways to do we even need to bother with […]

How to Stop Being a Clothes Hoarder

Today I am going to be talking about one of my favorite topics: decluttering your clothes and how to stop being a clothes hoarder!! ***Insert squeal of delight.*** I have a system for organizing clothes that I came up with many years ago. With this system, I never have to “clean out my closet” because it always stays cleaned out. Oh, and yes, my clothes are still crammed in pretty tight because I do not have a great big walk in closet all to myself. I have a small walk-in closet that I share with my husband. His clothes actually […]

The Time Saving Mom Book is A Useful Resource

The Time Saving Mom Book Review This week I purchased the brand new book, The Time Saving Mom, by New York Times bestselling author Crystal Paine. I bought this book because it fits my interests and the niche of this blog perfectly. One of my favorite things to do is read about how to make my life better. I like to read a million tips and then maybe only actually do two of them. Ha! Do you do that? I ordered the hardback version from Amazon and carried it around the house with me. Me carrying this book around was […]

A Quick & Easy Way to Do Monthly Goal Setting

When I have a big goal that I am working on, I love the start of a new month. It is the perfect time to monitor my progress towards my goals and do my monthly goal setting for the month ahead. It is especially exciting when I have real measurable progress to celebrate and can also identify ways to grow as I keep going. Last year I wrote all about the usefulness of having a Monthly Planning Session, especially when life is extra busy or you have a major project going on. I do stand by that article. However, there […]

New Year’s Goal Progress Check

My personal Goal Progress Report and a New Goal Tracker I made to share with you all Did you have any goals back on New Year’s day? How are you coming on those? I have worked hard on mine, fell off the horse a couple of times, got back on and worked hard again. And yet. Progress towards my goals never seems to come as quickly as I want it to. In fact, by mid-February I was online google searching things like, “How do you stick to your goals?” and “Why can’t I stick to my goals?” Anyone else like […]

How to Create the Perfect Work at Home Mom Schedule That Makes Your Life Work Better

As I transition into becoming a work at home mom, having a schedule that works became extremely important to my success. There are a billion things to do each day. How do I get them all done? And which things should I do first? And in what order? How do I keep myself on task? It is only me here, usually, so do I need a schedule? At first I thought I did not need a schedule. I can do all the things, sure. Nope. That did not work at all. I might be here alone for six hours a […]