Getting My Act Together’s Top 10 Posts of 2022

2022 was the first year for this blog, Getting My Act Together, and these were my most successful posts. I started out 2022 with high hopes of writing every single week, and that went well for January-March or so. Ha! And then the move happened. By move I mean our real life move, not just moving from Moving in real life was a much bigger inconvenience, you know? It was like, well, so much for “getting my act together” this year… Once the move started, it was fairly impossible to keep up with writing of any kind. Then the […]

Goal Planning Broken Down into the Easiest Steps Ever

When I say I need goal planning to be broken down into the easiest steps possible, I mean that whole-heartedly. I have always loved goal setting and planning, but I’ve had to work on breaking it down into tiny steps as I have gotten older and have so many responsibilities as a parent. I need every cheat sheet in the world. What I want to share today is how I break down a goal into tiny more achievable tasks. What we all need to turn our goals into reality is a solid, doable plan. I spent a large amount of […]

7 Encouraging Bible Verses for Women to Make Your Day Better

These are Bible verses, and a few whole Bible stories, that I find especially encouraging, as a woman. I hope you will too. Some of these are specific to women, and some of them are helpful for everyone. Being a woman can be an emotional roller coaster, it seems like all the time. When life is extra challenging, I also write some of these verses and others on post-it notes and stick them all over my house so I can get the encouragement I need just to carry on and keep trying. What I love about these particular encouraging Bible […]

You Gotta Try Out this 7 Day Personal Growth Challenge

If you ever feel like your life needs a change, then you have got to try this whole personal growth challenge thing. I promise it will help you feel way more motivated and even excited. In this post, I am going to tell you all you need to run a successful personal growth challenge of your own that is going to make you feel so accomplished and refreshed. Feeling motivated and excited about my day is something I have spent many, many years struggling with. Most of my adult life, feeling self-disciplined and motivated has been a challenge for me. […]

10 Ways to Prepare for any Unexpected Disaster

Today I have a disaster preparedness expert here with me to share with everyone ten ways even beginners can prepare for disaster. In our family, we have a resident expert in preparing for disaster. It is definitely not me. I am not all that prepared, honestly. When Covid hit, it was by pure blind hog luck and the grace of God that I happened to buy a Mega bulk pack of Charmin on March 9, 2020. In fact, it was one of Walmart’s last packs of it, and I remember thinking, “huh, weird.” If they hadn’t sent all of my […]

7 Favorite Things to Do When Life is OverWhelming

Moving this year has me feeling like a hundred layers of overwhelmed. And what do you do when you feel too overwhelmed to do anything at all?? Today I decided that sometimes the answer is to watch a Hallmark movie. Every day has plenty of work to do. Can you ever actually run out of work to do? I don’t think I have run out of work to do in seventeen years. It has to be seventeen years, because that is about how long ago I had my first baby. Is this just me justifying enjoying free time? Oh well, […]

Good Reasons Not to Fret Over all the World’s Problems

This article is the second part of my series on Handling Stress. As I mentioned in my last post, Psalm 37 has always been a huge inspiration to me when I am going through a hard time. The very first two verses of Psalm 37 remind us not to fret because of the evil we see in the world. Evildoers will soon fade like the grass. All these problems and people are temporary. Life on earth is temporary. I feel like this is God telling us to chill and to stop freaking out. This is funny to me because honestly […]

37 Tips for Handling Stress (The Stressed Out Series)

Welcome, to my new series on the blog: The Stressed Out Series. If you have been here before, you know the theme of our summer was moving. Actually, the theme of the whole first half of the year was moving. Now we are moving on to the theme of stress management, because as it turns out if the theme of your year is moving, stress is going to come along too. Most of the boxes are unpacked, but I still have not found JD’s clothes, the scale, or my Fitbit charger, just to name a few. School has already begun, […]

5 Reasons to Not Take Yourself so Seriously

Today I realized something important. I have been taking myself too seriously. Do you ever do that? Have you ever been in the middle of a personal crisis and suddenly realized, “Wait a minute. I need to chill.” Life does not have to be a serious, sad thing. Instead, let life be what you want it to be. Yes, we have had a hard summer, but I have to remember that it is also still funny. This week lots of funny things happened, and I did not laugh at any of them! Have you ever had a phase like that? […]