Day 12 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Most Cluttered Room

Welcome back to the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving holiday!
How is it going for you so far? Have you worked through a few of the days yet? I hope you will not feel discouraged or give up the idea because it is hard to keep up. I’m cranking these out in quick order to have these ready for everyone.
Truth be told, I did not work through this as quickly as I am posting the videos. The first of these videos was filmed a month ago. It has taken me more than twelve days to get to day twelve. It took me more like thirty days to get to day twelve because life just happens.

Decluttering everyday is the habit I am currently working on though, which is what inspired me to start this challenge in the first place.
If you are like me, and it is a habit you are wanting to develop, this challenge will be perfect for you too. No matter how long it takes us to finish, we will get so much done and feel better for it.
Plus, our homes are going to look better and feel freer and less crowded!
If you are new here, I hope you will join us. You can start at day one, or jump right in with day twelve today with us.

For day twelve, we are choosing whatever room in our home has so much clutter that it is causing us stress.
I was not sure which room to pick. Once, I set the storage room to rights I felt like a new person. None of the rooms are as bad as that one was. However, all of the rooms could use some work.
I explained to my youngest son about how I was supposed to pick the most cluttered room to declutter today, and ran some ideas by him. He did not hesitate. “Can you help me with my room?”
Well, now, who could say no to that?
Cleaning has always been a bonding activity with me and this child. (I don’t think the others feel that way.) I remember one New Year’s Eve, when he was around four. We were all supposed to go to a party, but just he and I had to cancel because he was sick.
Everybody in the house left for the party but the two of us. I turned to my sweet, feverish four-year-old and asked, “Well, what should we do?”
And I’ll never forget! He declared, “Let’s clean the bathroom!”
So funny.
I say all that to say that cleaning up with this particular child is probably not normal, in that he actually wants to participate. Clean and decluttered spaces mean a lot to him.
No, his spaces are not always tidy. Sometimes his room is a wreck, but that is because he is young and doesn’t know how to keep it nice yet. He is learning. In that way, he and I could not be more alike. That sounds like me and my whole house. I want it to look nice, but it isn’t always. We are learning together.
This challenge was extra fun today since I had a partner. I hope it is a fun day for you too.
The Christmas season is here! That’s a perfect excuse to declutter.
We need to get the old out before we get inundated with new things. Plus, if you are having people over, a less cluttered space will give you extra hosting-confidence.
I’m including a printout of the full thirty day challenge printable below:
Let’s have fun with our decluttering this week. Grab a trash can, a laundry basket for the things that go to other rooms, and a Goodwill bag. Set your timer for ten minutes (or fifteen if you like), and see what you can get done.
You might end up like my son, in the video. He wanted to keep going and going with the decluttering, so we did.
Plus, you are working on your most stressful, cluttered up room, so the results will definitely feel like a reward. When we finished JD’s room, he was so happy and proud, and I felt better when I walked in there too.
Happy decluttering, y’all! Merry Christmas!

Click here to see the full 30 Day Decluttering Challenge introduction, with links to each day.