Day Two of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge: Storage Room

For day two of the 30 day decluttering challenge, we are in my absolute favorite room to declutter: the storage room!
If you don’t have a storage room, focus on whatever room you shove the things you don’t know what to do with or wherever you have boxes of storage.
During our past twenty plus years as a military family, we moved houses every one to three years without fail. Many of those homes did not have a proper storage room. We have used garages, attics, guest rooms, carports, and sheds for storage over the years.
Here is the video for day two:
Why the storage room is my favorite space to declutter:
Storage is the easiest place for me to find things to get rid of. Also, I often find things in storage that I have been looking for. This time I found kids’ clothes that they needed just in time for colder temperatures. Hurray!!
A Few Tips for Storage Areas:
-If you do not know exactly when you are going to use it, and you have not used it in a year or more. Let it go.
-Packed storage areas are extremely overwhelming. Try to tune out the whole room and focus on one tiny area at a time.
-This is the perfect time to find those winter clothing storage bins if you have them and go through them. Bins that have your kids next size up that they are starting to grow into are perfect fodder for decluttering in November.

-If you come across photos, stack them aside for their own decluttering session. Or, if you have a whole box full of photos, you could make this session all about finding a safe place for the photos that you want to keep.
-I have a whole post on what I do with boxes of photos and certificates here. And it does not involve throwing any photos or keepsakes away. I love keeping memories.
-If you have time, try a fifteen minute session for this one. I do that on accident and it felt like I accomplished so much.

Have you gotten the printable pdfs for the full 30 Day Decluttering Challenge yet?
I’m including those below. You can choose the calendar or list view. They are the same, only in different formats. I’m more of a list person myself.
Calendar view:
I hope you play upbeat music and have some fun with this. See you tomorrow for Day 3: Any room that causes you stress!
New here? You can also click here for day one.
[…] For day two, click here. […]