Decluttering the Playroom: Day 9 of the Decluttering Challenge

For day nine, we are decluttering the playroom, or whatever room where your family plays.
My kids are old enough that this job wasn’t too hard this time. A few years ago, this was a much more daunting task. The difficulty level of this task completely depends on where you and your family are at in life.
With a few little children in the house, this could be a booger.
I am not addressing reorganizing toys and cleaning out old toys much in this post. However, I did talk about the best way I know how to organize and clean out old toys in this post: The Great Toy Overhaul. So check that out if that’s what you are looking for.
This is more about decluttering the floor, if that’s where you are at, or the surfaces of your play room.
When your children are toddlers, it is a magnificent thing to have at least one big toy bucket in any room where they play to just toss everything into real quick.

I think most people don’t have a room titled the “play room.” We certainly didn’t at many of our houses.
(We move a lot.) But we all have a room where our kids play the most, whether it is the living room or their bedrooms, or your bedroom, or the kitchen, or whatever.
Wherever your kids play the most, that is where we are decluttering today. You may find things to donate, or you may not, but you can restore some order to that place in ten to fifteen minutes for sure.
Some of you don’t have kids at home anymore.
So I bet you have your own play room then. Ha! Maybe it is where you keep your craft or hobby supplies, your computer, DVDs, and CD collections. This would be a great time to tidy up the area where you hang out. If you have extra time, go through your collections to see what you might be ready to part with.
At our house, we have a basement playroom. That is where the kids hang out with their friends, put together Lego creations, lift weights, and play video games. It is a busy area.

Our kids are not that little anymore. The youngest is ten. Our floor is not drowning in toys anymore, but it sure used to be!
Now our playroom floor has weights and Lego pieces. Today my husband got behind the kids’ video game t.v. and discovered an atrocious dump of candy and snack wrappers hiding back there. It was not our proudest moment.
Here’s my video for Day 9 The Playroom.
Sorry about that light in the background of the day nine video. I am learning so much about making better videos from filming this challenge.
Thank you so much for following along this far into the challenge. I love having y’all with me in this!
I’m including the printable 30 Day Decluttering list below, as well as links to yesterday’s video and the full challenge list.
Click here for the full 30 Day Decluttering Challenge introduction and list of links to each day.
Click here for yesterday’s post, day eight, in the master bedroom.
And if you are interested in The Great Toy Overhaul, you can find that here.
[…] For yesterday’s challenge, day nine in the playroom, click here. […]