Day 30 of the Decluttering Challenge: Medicines

Welcome to the very last day of the Thirty Day Decluttering Challenge! We made it to the end! And for the very last day, we are decluttering our medicine stash. This is ending just in time for us to all celebrate Christmas. I would say “relax and celebrate Christmas,” but who gets to do that until the whole thing is officially over? Christmas is joyous and beautiful and also completely exhausting and overwhelming. At least, that is how I feel about it. Maybe we are doing it wrong! It does feel like a special gift to myself that I have […]

Day 29 of the Decluttering Challenge: Bathroom

Welcome back to the Thirty Day Decluttering Challenge! For day twenty-nine, we are working on a bathroom. At our house, that means I’m decluttering the boys’ bathroom. When it comes to cleaning, a boys’ bathroom can be a hard job. However, when it comes to decluttering, it is the easiest job of all. Actually, this particular boys bathroom is used by only two brothers. They keep their toilet shockingly clean. I just want to say that because I am as surprised as anyone. For sixteen years I have cleaned toilets used by multiple male people, and it is a terrible […]

Decluttering Kitchen Cabinets Even When You Don’t Feel Like it: Day 11 Decluttering Challenge

I’m calling day eleven the “even when you don’t feel like decluttering” day, because my heart was definitely not in it today. Going through the kitchen cabinets is not fun at all to me. Do you have areas that you just dread more than other areas? Kitchen cabinets are that place for me. I always find so much food that no one wants. It seems wrong to trash food though, you know? Yet, you cannot donate opened food. I usually end up texting friends to see if anyone wants it. I found a friend to take my granola bars, and […]

Decluttering the Playroom: Day 9 of the Decluttering Challenge

For day nine, we are decluttering the playroom, or whatever room where your family plays. My kids are old enough that this job wasn’t too hard this time. A few years ago, this was a much more daunting task. The difficulty level of this task completely depends on where you and your family are at in life. With a few little children in the house, this could be a booger. I am not addressing reorganizing toys and cleaning out old toys much in this post. However, I did talk about the best way I know how to organize and clean […]

Day 8 of the Decluttering Challenge: Master Bedroom

Hey y’all! For day eight of our decluttering plan, we are setting a timer and working on our master bedroom. Pick which area of your bedroom needs the most work and go for it. I have several hot spots in that room, but my dresser, which my husband also uses as his desk, is what bothers me the most. As I said before, I am not a perfectly tidy person coming to you with tips from the end of a journey. I am in the middle of this process too, and I have plenty to work on. During this challenge, […]

Day 5 of the Decluttering Challenge: Kitchen Counter Tops

For day five, we are decluttering our kitchen counter tops. If you are anything like me, that is a daily battle. Unfortunately, I am not winning that battle. Today we can set aside ten to fifteen minutes to focus just on that. If you already have thoroughly cleaned off counter tops, this is a great time to work on your table or your kitchen drawers, wherever your kitchen clutter is. At our house, the kitchen counters and the coffee table are, as Flylady calls them, our “hotspots.” I try to constantly clean them off, but it feels like the impossible […]

Decluttering Challenge Day 4: A Kid’s Closet

Welcome to day four of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! Today we are decluttering a kid’s closet. Y’all, for day four of the decluttering challenge, I had a bad case of the blahs and that is what I look like in this video. Man, I looked rough. Sorry, guys. Maybe tomorrow my makeup lady will come back. (Of course, I am my make-up lady.) The good news is my son and I felt mega accomplished after thinning so many little shirts out of his closet. We went through every single piece of clothing hanging in his closet. We sent a […]