Check Out this Free Homemaking Class on YouTube

Check Out this Free Homemaking Class on YouTube

I am taking a free homemaking class on YouTube, and it is so strangely fun. That’s why I wanted to share this. I wanted y’all to get to have fun with it too.

Even though I have been keeping house for over twenty-one years, I never feel like I do a good job. You know? There’s always so much clutter.

For example, two days ago, I cleaned off our coffee table, and now I’m sitting here looking at it all cluttered up again. We cannot be trusted with surfaces where you can place things at our house.

Two days ago I was so proud that there were only two books and a remote control sitting on that table because I like to keep books visible to encourage us all to read.

And now I’m looking at it and shaking my head at myself. It looks like this:

It happened so fast.

First, two packages came. I opened one but then didn’t put all of the things away. And as you can see, I did not even bother opening the second one. I know what it is, and I’m not ready for it yet. It is part of a paused project.

Then this morning Daniel emptied his book bag onto the table. Plus, I guess JD decided the table was a good spot to keep his laptop and mouse. I honestly don’t even know what that paper under the package is.

Trash. It is trash.

So you can see why I feel like a homemaking class is a good idea.

It would be even more beneficial if I could convince my whole family to take it. If only…

Let me tell you all about this class. You might be a tad disappointed though because you have heard me talk about this teacher before. I am apparently steadfastly loyal. Once I find a person/product/thing I believe in I stick by them forever.

It is in fact yet another Flylady class.

Actually, it is the first Flylady class I have participated in. Always before, I just got the emails and the app. Now I’m all in on the YouTube series.

Why I am such a fan:

To get to this class, head over to the playlist at this link here.

This is class is currently in development. It is called the “Flylady 101 2023 Class.”

I found this while searching for helpful Flylady videos last week. Even though the live class was on day fourteen or so, I started at day one to get the full benefit. It is a playlist, so you can do it at your own pace.

Today I did the first “weekly home blessing” with the day five video. It was a way faster cleaning session than I would normally do, but that was the beauty of it. Without her saying, “Okay, I’m setting this timer and turning on some music. Grab a feather duster and start dusting,” I would never have done that this morning.

I tend to never make it past the common everyday chores: dishes, laundry, cook dinner, laundry again, dishes again, and on and on it goes.

Plus, she tends to give inspirational messages. It is not all about house cleaning.

The Flylady’s actual name is Marla, and she reminds you to shower, get dressed, and put on moisturizer. As a housewife, I cannot explain how much I have always needed this message.

When you don’t leave your home it is super easy to get sloppy, and then eventually looking sloppy makes you feel sloppy.

Sink Reflections, homemaking book by Marla Cilley the Flylady

I went all in on this class, y’all. Marla doesn’t talk about her book in these videos (that I’ve noticed), but I ordered her book Sink Reflections, and I am devouring it. It just arrived, and I am on chapter five.

****Disclaimer: When you purchase through Amazon links on this page, I do collect advertising fees.****

Watching the videos and doing the little homemaking missions is oddly fun to me.

Now obviously, I could do a hard core “just do it” clean of my house right now and shove everything in closets and cabinets. But that feels a lot more like work, and I am not that motivated to do it. Plus, I get so insanely hot.

With the Flylady methods, I can do a little at a time and then sit down with a cup of coffee and watch an episode of Designing Women.

This class is seriously helping me. As I sit here, my sheets are finally being washed, my hallway is mopped, my glass front door is Windexed clean, and dinner is cooking in the crock pot. Meanwhile, I’m not frantically running around trying to clean my whole house in a day.

Some areas are currently clean. Other areas I will get to later, and that is okay.

I guess that is what I like so much about Flylady. It feels like a fun mission instead of household drudgery, and it is just so motivating. Plus, there is no guilt about sitting here with my feet up for a bit. I will get to that coffee table later today, and it will be okay.

Plus, the Flylady is all about decluttering, and if you have read my posts about decluttering, you know that is a topic that I love.

If you struggle with enjoying homemaking, I seriously encourage you to try out Flylady’s 101 Class. It is surprisingly fun. I sincerely look forward to it everyday.

Some of you might have OCD. You might not be able to have peace unless you see that I did clean off that coffee table I mentioned above. Just for you, I cleaned it off:

If I stick with the Flylady 101 Homemaking class, maybe next week I will even get a centerpiece back on that table.

Y’all have a great week!

“You are never behind. Jump in where you are!”

~The Flylady

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