Day 18 of the Decluttering Challenge: Linen Closet

For day eighteen of the decluttering challenge, we are diving into our linen closet. Whether your closet actually has linens in it or not, somewhere in your house you probably have a hallway or basement closet like this. It catches lots of random things, and they can get messy. My mom’s hallway linen closet is so much neater than mine. I can picture it in my head, nicely stacked and filled with beach towels, towels, toilet paper, and blankets. My closet is not like that. Mine is stuffed with medicines, toiletries, sheets, and it all looks haphazard. It is hard […]

Day 17 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Kitchen Pantry

For day seventeen of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge, we are marching right in to our kitchen pantry. You might be like me, and your pantry may actually be just a kitchen cabinet where you keep your food. In my mind, this was going to be a big day for us. I know for a fact that most kitchen pantries could use a thorough decluttering day. But my mind could never know all the sleep deprivation and urgent care visits this week had in store for my household. Don’t worry. We are all okay. My son is on meds for […]

Day 15 of the Decluttering Challenge: Laundry Room

For day fifteen of the decluttering challenge, we are heading into the laundry room to see what we can weed out of there. Welcome back to the challenge! Are you ready to dig in? I had to sweep my laundry room before I could do any digging through shelves because the boys tracked a pile of leaves in there that demanded attention. With that done, I dug through the shelves of cleaning supplies I keep next to my washer and dryer. What do you keep in your laundry room? I ended up throwing away at least seven or eight things, […]

Day 13 Decluttering Challenge: 27 Fling Boogie for Your Desk

Welcome back to the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! I hope y’all are having fun with this. Today we are doing a 27 Fling Boogie on our desk, or home office work space. Wherever you sit and do your computer work or pay your bills, that is where we want to focus. I wrote about this at greater length before. You can find that here. Today we are going to do that same task, but we are going to do our 27 Fling Boogie slightly differently. In my previous post, we put everything in one bag and sorted it at the […]

Day 7 of the Decluttering Challenge: Clean Out One Storage Bin for 15 Minutes

Welcome back to the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! We made it to week two!! For day seven we are heading straight into a storage container to get the most bang out of our time. I was talking to someone about day seven, and she said she does not really use storage bins. Instead she uses shoe boxes. That just goes to show that she’s doing better than me. My stuff would never fit in a shoe box. Ha! I have these gigantic Rubbermaid and Sterlite bins. I know most people don’t get excited about decluttering your storage bins, so I’m […]

Day One of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge: Living Room

We are kicking off day one of our 30 Day Decluttering Challenge, and I am excited to get this started! This is a fun way to work on decluttering your house. There is something about having a plan and a group of people to follow along with that makes cleaning house more fun. Also, I think having a challenge like this that works in small ten-fifteen minute increments helps you actually get more done. Decluttering can be such an overwhelming task. When it is broken down into small ten minute jobs, it becomes much easier. To learn more about the […]

30 Day Decluttering Challenge for Beginners

I put together this fun 30 day decluttering challenge for beginners (and clutter bugs) to motivate myself to get my house decluttered. And I thought it would be fun if we did this together. If you happen to have your share of clutter and want to try this out too, I hope you will join me in the challenge. I found a ton of these thirty day decluttering deals already available on the world wide web. Some of them even have free printables, as this one does. However, I looked at a few that are already out there, and I […]