Why Car Trips Feel Like Eternity to Kids (by Kid Blogger, JD)

Car trips feel so long to kids because there is always someone who keeps on farting. Another reason why car trips feel so long is because they ARE long. Well, they are if you’re me, which you are not. But if your grand parents live in Alabama, and you live in Maryland, it takes 13 hours to get to Alabama, and 15 to where my other grandparents live. That is even longer if you have a family with 6 people + a dog. It feels like eternity to get there, and there are so many other reasons why car trips […]

The 16 Steps of the Moving Process

This is another delightful year of moving for us. We’ve only moved a billion times, but it still feels like a daunting process. Any large task HAS to be divided up into smaller, more manageable steps for me. It helps everything, even moving, feel more doable. It’s that whole eating an elephant one bite at a time thing. What a gross example though… First, there are the sixteen steps of moving out. Then there are the sixteen steps of unpacking and settling in. Today I’m only going to worry about the moving out part, as it comes first. Tackle one […]