How to Have a Successful Personal Monthly Planning Session

This is another one of my FAVORITE new ways I have found this year to truly feel like I am getting my act together: the monthly planning session. I originally called it my monthly meeting with myself. But to sound more sane, we will just say “monthly planning session.” The idea of setting aside time to do a monthly planning session is another tip I learned from What do I mean by personal monthly planning session? I’m glad you asked. This is a time during the first week of the month where we plan out the whole month that […]

A New, Fun Life Hack: The Monthly Reflection

This is a new habit I am adding in this year: the end of month reflection. I was surfing Pinterest last week, while I had all that time in bed with covid. Of course, it is Pinterest, so I found tons of cool things and new blogs to read. Side note: Did you know almost all of Pinterest is blog posts? Yep. It’s the number one place to search out blog posts on any topic. When there’s something you need help with, Pinterest and YouTube are the places to be. It’s just important to take all those perfectionist Pinterest images […]

Township Game Review: Addictive, Easy, and Family Friendly

Honest Township Game Review Upfront: This game is probably my favorite app on my phone. Township is fun, easy, and family friendly. You can play it while watching t.v., talking on the phone, and hanging out with family. Your whole family can download it and create a co-op together. I love this app. But Township can be addictive. For me. My children all played for a year and quit without a second thought, but I find it very addictive. In truth, I have several apps that were too addictive for me, so maybe this is a personal problem. But this […]

7 Fun Ways for Kids to Entertain Themselves

Very often kids need to find something to do, and John David is here to give you some ideas for how kids can entertain themselves. Everything below was written straight from my eight-year-old to yours. Only one of them (shopping) requires help. The rest are all things can do for themselves. 7 Fun Ways for Kids to Entertain Yourself #1. Go shopping The first way is to go shopping because if you do, you can find a lot of things you want or need. The same goes for your kids because you can get super fun things, like a mini […]

13 Important Texting Tips Your Teens & Preteens Need To Know

Giving our teens and preteens helpful tips for the world of texting and communicating via phone is so important. We give them this new phone, they are still learning social skills in general anyway, and this opens up a whole new confusing medium for talking to people. Plus, they are usually texting with immature people, and all kinds of problems will come up. Our parents (I’m in my forties) did not have to teach us this. Texting was not a thing back then. We are the first generation of parents to have middle and high schoolers with smart phones, and […]

How One Book Revolutionized My Year

There is this one book I read recently that has greatly helped me to improve my exercise level, nutrition, and general well being. And honestly, it was kind of an unexpected source. It was just a book I picked up on a whim while out Christmas shopping. I was at Barnes and Noble, Christmas shopping. Somehow I ended up leaving with more presents for myself than for all the people on my list. Ooooops…I handed most of the books I picked out to my husband to serve as my Christmas presents, but there was one book I just couldn’t wrap. […]

What if These Are The Most Important Years of Your Life?

Somewhere over the past year, when I was feeling completely unmotivated, I had this huge, helpful realization. I had the realization that you know what? These are the most important years of my life. So what am I moping around this house for? Did you get in a serious mind mush during the all of the whole Rona rigamarole? (P.S. How surprised was I to just learn from the auto spell check that “rigamarore” is spelled rigamarole? Have I been saying it wrong? How DO you say it?) Anyway, yeah, that whole year of virtual schooling the kids, making vaccine […]

How to Find Extra Minutes to Work on Your Project

I have a problem. You see, I am woefully behind on prepping my house for this move, and I find myself in need of extra minutes. We all get the same twenty-four hours for every single day. No matter who you are. The day is the same. There are twenty-four hours, and no one gets extra minutes. But I am going to need some extra. I want to list our house to sell in May, and that requires me to comb through each room of the house. Our house is over-packed with stuff. Everywhere you look there is clutter. Most […]

When You Want a Do Over

This is one of those days when by lunch I wanted a do over. Isn’t that like the ultimate little kid thing to say??? “Watch me!” *goofs it up* “Do over! Do over! It was the wind. I get a do over.” But you know what? Life isn’t the Olympics…I mean not usually. I’ve never been to the Olympics, nor am I an athlete of any kind. For some rare members of the human race, I guess some days life really is the Olympics… Ha! But most days aren’t. So you know what? We can absolutely have a do-over on […]

A Simple Goal Derailed

Today a very simple goal completely derailed. I was going to get a jump start on cleaning my whole house. That is no small goal. It is a four bedroom house. People hire maids to do this all the time. These professionals come in, you give them $200 or so, and they clean your entire house in hours. How do they do that??? I am completely incapable of it, and I know this. Instead I set myself 30 minute timers and work for half an hour, rest for twenty, then go back to work. Yeah, maybe it sounds lazy. I […]