Day 16 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Home Office

For day sixteen, we are decluttering our home office. I don’t mean our desks again. I mean the other areas of our office, like the file cabinet, printer shelf, or any area where we keep office supplies. If this were not such a hectic day at our house, I could have done so much more. The 30 Day Decluttering list assigns today fifteen minutes of decluttering time. I had to settle for ten minutes of decluttering and five minutes of filing. The Christmas season is starting to truly crank up, and I am about already whooped. Are any of you […]

Day 15 of the Decluttering Challenge: Laundry Room

For day fifteen of the decluttering challenge, we are heading into the laundry room to see what we can weed out of there. Welcome back to the challenge! Are you ready to dig in? I had to sweep my laundry room before I could do any digging through shelves because the boys tracked a pile of leaves in there that demanded attention. With that done, I dug through the shelves of cleaning supplies I keep next to my washer and dryer. What do you keep in your laundry room? I ended up throwing away at least seven or eight things, […]

Day 13 Decluttering Challenge: 27 Fling Boogie for Your Desk

Welcome back to the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! I hope y’all are having fun with this. Today we are doing a 27 Fling Boogie on our desk, or home office work space. Wherever you sit and do your computer work or pay your bills, that is where we want to focus. I wrote about this at greater length before. You can find that here. Today we are going to do that same task, but we are going to do our 27 Fling Boogie slightly differently. In my previous post, we put everything in one bag and sorted it at the […]

Day 12 of the Decluttering Challenge: Your Most Cluttered Room

Welcome back to the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving holiday! How is it going for you so far? Have you worked through a few of the days yet? I hope you will not feel discouraged or give up the idea because it is hard to keep up. I’m cranking these out in quick order to have these ready for everyone. Truth be told, I did not work through this as quickly as I am posting the videos. The first of these videos was filmed a month ago. It has taken me more than […]

Day 10 of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge: Bookshelves

For day ten, we are working on decluttering bookshelves for ten minutes. I found this to be a fairly easy little job. I did create a mess with all the books I pulled out, though. You will see that in the video. To avoid making a giant pile of books in the floor like I did, you might want to have a second box or bag to put books you need your family members to go through. My youngest son still wanted to keep many of the books I hoped we could get rid of. This is how I solved […]

Day 8 of the Decluttering Challenge: Master Bedroom

Hey y’all! For day eight of our decluttering plan, we are setting a timer and working on our master bedroom. Pick which area of your bedroom needs the most work and go for it. I have several hot spots in that room, but my dresser, which my husband also uses as his desk, is what bothers me the most. As I said before, I am not a perfectly tidy person coming to you with tips from the end of a journey. I am in the middle of this process too, and I have plenty to work on. During this challenge, […]

Day 7 of the Decluttering Challenge: Clean Out One Storage Bin for 15 Minutes

Welcome back to the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! We made it to week two!! For day seven we are heading straight into a storage container to get the most bang out of our time. I was talking to someone about day seven, and she said she does not really use storage bins. Instead she uses shoe boxes. That just goes to show that she’s doing better than me. My stuff would never fit in a shoe box. Ha! I have these gigantic Rubbermaid and Sterlite bins. I know most people don’t get excited about decluttering your storage bins, so I’m […]

Day 5 of the Decluttering Challenge: Kitchen Counter Tops

For day five, we are decluttering our kitchen counter tops. If you are anything like me, that is a daily battle. Unfortunately, I am not winning that battle. Today we can set aside ten to fifteen minutes to focus just on that. If you already have thoroughly cleaned off counter tops, this is a great time to work on your table or your kitchen drawers, wherever your kitchen clutter is. At our house, the kitchen counters and the coffee table are, as Flylady calls them, our “hotspots.” I try to constantly clean them off, but it feels like the impossible […]

Day Two of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge: Storage Room

For day two of the 30 day decluttering challenge, we are in my absolute favorite room to declutter: the storage room! If you don’t have a storage room, focus on whatever room you shove the things you don’t know what to do with or wherever you have boxes of storage. During our past twenty plus years as a military family, we moved houses every one to three years without fail. Many of those homes did not have a proper storage room. We have used garages, attics, guest rooms, carports, and sheds for storage over the years. Here is the video […]

What we can learn from Jill Duggar’s new book, Counting the Cost

Have you seen the media’s many shock headlines about Jill Duggar’s new tell-all book? I was tracking the release of Counting the Cost for several months before it came out. This was one I knew I had to read! (If you do buy it, use one of my Amazon links. I am an Amazon affiliate and collect small advertising fees). Back in the heyday of “19 Kids and Counting,” I was a big fan of the Duggar family as a whole. I read Michelle’s book, watched the show, and wrote articles about what I learned from them. Despite the family’s […]