Day 15 of the Decluttering Challenge: Laundry Room

For day fifteen of the decluttering challenge, we are heading into the laundry room to see what we can weed out of there.
Welcome back to the challenge! Are you ready to dig in?
I had to sweep my laundry room before I could do any digging through shelves because the boys tracked a pile of leaves in there that demanded attention.
With that done, I dug through the shelves of cleaning supplies I keep next to my washer and dryer. What do you keep in your laundry room?
I ended up throwing away at least seven or eight things, mostly from the pool bags in the floor in front of the shelves. I keep a couple of large totes packed for taking the boys to the pool in the summer. We haven’t been to the pool in three months, but those bags were still just sitting there, taking up floor space.

You can see in the photo above, a year ago I still had unpacked cardboard boxes in there. Sometimes moving feels like a never ending process.
Also, I want to say if you do have real cabinets in your laundry room, we all envy you! That would look so much better than my open shelves of rubber gloves, toilet paper, and Lysol.
Today’s declutter feels like a fairly easy one because my laundry area is small (not counting the big storage area). I hope it’s an easy day for you too.
If you live in the south, your laundry may even be outside. They don’t do that up here because it get so much colder out.
For today’s video, I’m talking you through my laundry room decluttering process, instead of doing it in speed film mode. I thought it would be nice to just do something different. It turned out to be harder than I thought. My brain wants to go into talk mode or work mode, and I wasn’t so hot at doing both at once. I ended up leaning more towards talking than cleaning. Ha!
I was nervous about attempting this challenge during the Christmas season, but now I am thankful we are doing it this way. This will help us make room for Christmas!
I hope to see you here again on Thursday, for day sixteen. We will be decluttering the office area. That’s a far bigger challenge for me. Our office is in a corner of the downstairs family/playroom, and it is kind of a wreck. I’m looking forward to seeing some big changes to that area.
Each night I post the next day’s challenge so that you can work on your decluttering as early as you’d like without having to wait around for me to get with it.
Thanks for joining me, y’all!
Need a print-out of the full 30 Day Decluttering Challenge? We got ya covered:
And you can click here to see the Challenge Intro page, with links to each day of the decluttering challenge.
Happy decluttering!