Day 18 of the Decluttering Challenge: Linen Closet

For day eighteen of the decluttering challenge, we are diving into our linen closet.
Whether your closet actually has linens in it or not, somewhere in your house you probably have a hallway or basement closet like this. It catches lots of random things, and they can get messy.
My mom’s hallway linen closet is so much neater than mine. I can picture it in my head, nicely stacked and filled with beach towels, towels, toilet paper, and blankets. My closet is not like that. Mine is stuffed with medicines, toiletries, sheets, and it all looks haphazard.
It is hard to find anything in a closet like this.
In my defense, I want to reiterate that I only moved in last summer, and we kind of started shoving stuff into that closet that we didn’t have a place for.
So come along with me as we work on the linen closet today. I hoped to make it through three shelves. I ended up completing two and a half. That’s not too shabby, but now I see that I definitely need a couple of more sessions to work on that closet! It was even worse than I thought it was.
By the time I finished my ten minutes, I got the top two shelves to look like this:

I am guessing the only way to make this sheet shelf look better is to put the sheets into baskets. Eventually, I am going to do that.
Putting like things together into bins and baskets is the only way I know to make a space look happier. Eliminating things you don’t use regularly is also important, and at least I did get to do that.
Getting sheets into tidy baskets won’t be happening today though. This will be good enough for today, and now I absolutely must go get started on Christmas shopping.
Meanwhile, here is a beautiful inspiration picture for a delightful linen closet that I found on Pinterest:
By the end of this challenge, I am telling you my linen closet is going to look more like the one in the photo above. Mark my words. If I don’t get a chance to do it during the challenge, I will do a linen closet organization post in the new year. Maybe I will even go to to Dollar Tree and get those baskets.
Here is the 30 Day Decluttering list printable if you need it:
Please join us here tomorrow for day nineteen, more bookshelves!
If you want to start at the beginning, see this post for day one as well as links to each day of the challenge.
Happy decluttering!