Day 29 of the Decluttering Challenge: Bathroom

Welcome back to the Thirty Day Decluttering Challenge! For day twenty-nine, we are working on a bathroom. At our house, that means I’m decluttering the boys’ bathroom. When it comes to cleaning, a boys’ bathroom can be a hard job. However, when it comes to decluttering, it is the easiest job of all. Actually, this particular boys bathroom is used by only two brothers. They keep their toilet shockingly clean. I just want to say that because I am as surprised as anyone. For sixteen years I have cleaned toilets used by multiple male people, and it is a terrible […]

Day 18 of the Decluttering Challenge: Linen Closet

For day eighteen of the decluttering challenge, we are diving into our linen closet. Whether your closet actually has linens in it or not, somewhere in your house you probably have a hallway or basement closet like this. It catches lots of random things, and they can get messy. My mom’s hallway linen closet is so much neater than mine. I can picture it in my head, nicely stacked and filled with beach towels, towels, toilet paper, and blankets. My closet is not like that. Mine is stuffed with medicines, toiletries, sheets, and it all looks haphazard. It is hard […]

Day 8 of the Decluttering Challenge: Master Bedroom

Hey y’all! For day eight of our decluttering plan, we are setting a timer and working on our master bedroom. Pick which area of your bedroom needs the most work and go for it. I have several hot spots in that room, but my dresser, which my husband also uses as his desk, is what bothers me the most. As I said before, I am not a perfectly tidy person coming to you with tips from the end of a journey. I am in the middle of this process too, and I have plenty to work on. During this challenge, […]

Day 3 of the Decluttering Challenge: 15 Minutes in Your Most Cluttered Room

Day three of the Decluttering Challenge is extra helpful if you have any specific areas causing you stress. Today you get to zero in on any room you would like and spend your decluttering time right where you need it most. After day two of working on my storage room, I realized how out of control my storage room has become. Now I am dying to get in there and turn that room into an organized space. I am also hoping to significantly cut back on the amount of things I am storing altogether. Who needs that much storage? It’s […]

My Honest Review of the 2023 Flylady 101 Class

Last week I finished the very last day of the Flylady 101 Class on YouTube, and I want to tell you all about it. As I mentioned before, when I first started the class, Flylady 101 is completely free. I must confess, I climbed into a serious Flylady warp zone in the past month, as I went all in on Flylady. I took the class, read the book, downloaded the app, and I even signed up for the email list! It is very rare for me to go whole hog like this, but after moving from a larger house to […]