Day 28 of the Decluttering Challenge: Master Bathroom

For day twenty-eight of the decluttering challenge, we are going through our master bathrooms with a fine tooth comb.
But we are only going to do that for ten minutes. Now if you have more time you want to devote to cleaning out your master bathroom, go for it. If not, I think you will be pleasantly surprised with how much ground you can cover in the bathroom in only ten minutes.
Start with whatever space you want to improve the most because chances are you may spend the whole ten minutes in that one area.
I chose the cabinet under the bathroom sink, and sure enough, it took me thirteen minutes. Granted, I was running my mouth to the camera the whole time.

Your family will be blessed by your decluttering efforts. These are the seven best benefits I noticed from decluttering this bathroom:
#1. I found about four different things I didn’t know I had!! There were two shampoos in there, and that was on my shopping list.
#2. Finding things that you did not know you had saves you money.
#3. Now I am aware that I need to store things differently so that I know what I have more readily.
#4. I was able to throw a few things away, which freed up space in that cabinet to make it more useful.
#5. I realized we own seven beard trimmers/ hair clippers. They all look about the same! When you find that many duplicates, you know you can give some away. My husband will go through those and find a few to toss or donate.
#6. Giving duplicates away also frees up more space to make it easier to find the things you want to use!
#7. As you uncover what you have, you can group like things together as you go, making the space more organized. We now have a bin dedicated to boxes of soap, which will help us find soap when we need it. It will also be far more tidy.
There are so many benefits to your whole family from decluttering your house. I could talk about this all day!
This is not a day where you have to pull everything out to declutter.
You can start with what you see and go through item by item. In the video, I did pull everything out, but that was because I was in a cabinet that is hard to reach or see everything. I had to pull things out to know what was there.
You may have a space like mine where you need to do that. However, you also may just need to poke through your toiletries on and around your sinks and drawers and pick out what you can get rid of, without having to empty and completely reorganize the area.
You could play the video of me talking about decluttering in the background while you declutter your master bathroom.
30 Day Decluttering Challenge Printable List:
Confession: I never printed the printable myself. Isn’t that bizarre? Since I post it on every single day’s post, I just pull up the most recent decluttering post and read the printable there, and you can do that too. That will mean a little less paper clutter in your house.

Happy decluttering, y’all! And Merry Christmas!
Click here to visit the decluttering challenge intro page, with links to each day of the challenge.
I’ll see you here tomorrow for day twenty-nine, decluttering your guest/ hallway bathroom!
[…] If you have daughters or boys with lots of hair products, your job may be tougher. That’s how my job in the master bathroom was. For the master bathroom, I could only focus on one area of the room. That is why I only did the […]