Day 3 of the Decluttering Challenge: 15 Minutes in Your Most Cluttered Room
Day three of the Decluttering Challenge is extra helpful if you have any specific areas causing you stress. Today you get to zero in on any room you would like and spend your decluttering time right where you need it most.
After day two of working on my storage room, I realized how out of control my storage room has become. Now I am dying to get in there and turn that room into an organized space. I am also hoping to significantly cut back on the amount of things I am storing altogether. Who needs that much storage? It’s ridiculous.
Make sure you scroll down below if you would like a print-out to help you follow the thirty day plan.
Here is today’s video. I’m in my storage room because it’s a disaster, but you pick whatever room in your house that has clutter that is bothering you the most!
Here are full list printable pdfs below that cover each day of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge.
There is also a calendar format you can print out, if you prefer that view.
This challenge is for helping you, not for stressing you. You are never behind.
As I said in day two’s video, do not worry about skipping days of the challenge. Life is hard and busy for most of us. There will be days you will not even have time to do a ten minute declutter. While I was filming and planning this challenge, there were two deaths in our family. I had to take two major trips.
Believe me, on the days I was traveling to funerals, I certainly did not worry about decluttering my storage bins.
Just jump right back in on the next day that you have time. That is what I did too. You can jump in where we are or go back and do them in order, whatever you like. This is your challenge.
The whole decluttering project is something nice that we are doing for ourselves and will bless everyone who lives with us or comes over to our house. We might as well enjoy it.
Happy decluttering, y’all! Hope to see you tomorrow!
Want to try out a past day?
For day two, click here.
Catching up on your videos- love the addition of the music! Decluttering, and even watching someone else declutter, is way more fun with music! I’m off to do my own jam now…thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks! It took me a couple of videos to figure out how to add music to part of the video. If only there had been a major in blogging in college. Haaaaa!!! Thank you so much for your support. Happy Thanksgiving!!