Decluttering Challenge Day 4: A Kid’s Closet

Welcome to day four of the 30 Day Decluttering Challenge! Today we are decluttering a kid’s closet.
Y’all, for day four of the decluttering challenge, I had a bad case of the blahs and that is what I look like in this video.
Man, I looked rough. Sorry, guys. Maybe tomorrow my makeup lady will come back. (Of course, I am my make-up lady.)
The good news is my son and I felt mega accomplished after thinning so many little shirts out of his closet. We went through every single piece of clothing hanging in his closet. We sent a couple of bags of outgrown clothes to Goodwill.
Plus, now I know what I need to buy him to get him through the winter.

Today’s biggest cleaning lesson learned: Do a little even when you don’t feel like it.
My energy levels were scraping the bottom of the barrel, and you can tell it. Acting is not in my skillset. Did I want to get up and go through my son’s closet with him? No way. All I wanted to do was crash on my couch.
I did manage to get a few things done, though, and I am so glad I did. It was good for my son too.
So without further ado, whether you are feeling awesome today or you are dragging like me, I hope you knock out a closet today! It is only ten minutes, and you will love the results. It’s like a hug for yourself.
Truth be told, I did not set a timer for this one. I mostly only stuck to the clothes in the closet, not the toys, blankets, and other things. Though I did pick up some loose hangers and pants he had lying around.
If your kid’s closet is small like this one, you won’t need a timer if you just stick to going through clothes. If you are dealing with a little girl with a hundred dresses, that might be a different story. I do not know anything about that!
Now if I were going after the whole closet, I would definitely need a timer. I could get carried away with all of the random things.
Of course, if you don’t have kids, pick any closet to declutter.
Three Tips for Decluttering Kid’s Closets
#1. Try to get them involved. They may have shirts that are itchy, uncomfortable, or that they simply hate, and you will never know if you don’t ask them.
#2. Go through each hanging clothes item one-by-one and take out what they hate.
#3. Mom veto. We always can veto their choices because we are in charge but also because we can think about the future in a way that they probably won’t do. We know that a shirt that is baggy this year will fit next year. Plus, they may want to banish all collared shirts or nice clothes from their closet, but we know better. Inevitably, as soon as you get rid of their one dress shirt, they will need it.
When you are done going through their closet with them, you just might find that it was a wonderful bonding activity. Or you may need a bubble bath. I don’t know, and I make no promises.

If you are new here or still need the printouts that list out each day of the challenge, you can print those out below.
Happy decluttering!!
For previous days, see below:
Decluttering Challenge Day 1: LIving Room
Day 3: Your choice of room day