How One Book Revolutionized My Year

There is this one book I read recently that has greatly helped me to improve my exercise level, nutrition, and general well being. And honestly, it was kind of an unexpected source. It was just a book I picked up on a whim while out Christmas shopping. I was at Barnes and Noble, Christmas shopping. Somehow I ended up leaving with more presents for myself than for all the people on my list. Ooooops…I handed most of the books I picked out to my husband to serve as my Christmas presents, but there was one book I just couldn’t wrap. […]

What if These Are The Most Important Years of Your Life?

Somewhere over the past year, when I was feeling completely unmotivated, I had this huge, helpful realization. I had the realization that you know what? These are the most important years of my life. So what am I moping around this house for? Did you get in a serious mind mush during the all of the whole Rona rigamarole? (P.S. How surprised was I to just learn from the auto spell check that “rigamarore” is spelled rigamarole? Have I been saying it wrong? How DO you say it?) Anyway, yeah, that whole year of virtual schooling the kids, making vaccine […]

How to Find Extra Minutes to Work on Your Project

I have a problem. You see, I am woefully behind on prepping my house for this move, and I find myself in need of extra minutes. We all get the same twenty-four hours for every single day. No matter who you are. The day is the same. There are twenty-four hours, and no one gets extra minutes. But I am going to need some extra. I want to list our house to sell in May, and that requires me to comb through each room of the house. Our house is over-packed with stuff. Everywhere you look there is clutter. Most […]

7 Bible Verses for Strength When the World Feels Shaky

Sometimes the world feels like shaky ground, and hope can feel far away. We need to find a good word from the Bible that gives us strength to face our worries. I really don’t know how unbelievers manage to stay sane. Does anyone else feel like the definition of dreary right now? I have a head cold and was up coughing for the past three nights. The sky is dreary and cold, and then there’s all the scary world news. As an Army wife and just a dweller of Earth, this is scary news. You do not have to live […]

10 Upbeat Songs for When You Need a Pick-Me-Up

There are times in my life when I don’t even realize how down I am, and how much I need a quick musical pick-me-up until I hear a song that just gets me off my rear or out of the dumps. I have a whole playlist of mostly uplifting songs over at YouTube you can also check out. I call it my “House Cleaning Jams.” These are my Top 10. I have them on my Spotify playlist and basically stashed away anywhere I can save music because they are just happy songs. Sometimes a happy song is the ONLY thing […]

Ta-Daaaa! Before & After Photos From Cleaning Out the Storage Room

I have this lengthy list of things we have to do to get our house ready for the housing market. BUT it is such a wonderful feeling to have my second storage room DONE. So of course, I made a video about it. Daniel told me I should make one of those time-lapse videos where it shows you cleaning in super speed, so I made one and put it on the ends of this update video: I’m also learning more about how to make decent YouTube videos….. Sorry, I did not learn in time to not film the ceiling while […]

Some things must be kept: Here is what to keep.

Some things must be kept, but you cannot hoard everything. So how do you know what to keep and what to get rid of? Sometimes I get so busy with house cleaning chores that I forget to do the things that I feel driven to do, to write. Writing was always my default. From age eight, it was what I did. I have volumes of journals and blogs. Occasionally, when I was a kid, there was even a poem or a short story. Oh, and letters, I have written so many letters. Letters. Remember letters? I have boxes of old […]

How to Minimize and Enjoy Memory and Photo Storage

In our new age of taking tons of photos, memorabilia and photo storage can be a problem. I’ve been documenting the process of cleaning out my storage room, in preparation for yet another Army move. In the process, I am finding a LOT of photos and memorabilia. Sometimes the memorabilia can be the hardest piece of the storage puzzle to find a good place for. Plus, there’s always the dilemma of what to keep and what not to keep. Aye yie yie, right? ***When you purchase through Amazon links on my page, I do collect advertising fees.*** What good does […]

Is Your Heart Hard or Soft?

Have you ever thought about whether you have a soft of a hard heart? What kind of heart do you have? Our heart is basically the whole essence of who we are, you know? Over and over in the Bible the phrase “hard hearts,” or “hardened hearts” is used. Have you noticed, or ever thought about it? For example…. ~In Exodus, it says Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not let the people go. ~ In Ezekiel chapter three, God actually says the people have a hard head and a stubborn heart. ~Also in Ezekiel, God promises to remove […]

All The Different Ways I Want To Get My Act Together

Isn’t if funny how “getting my act together” can mean a BILLION different things? I don’t want to be organized in just one thing. No, no, I want to be a smashing success in alllllll the things! That is kind of hilarious because nobody can do everything, right? So this is my personal I-wish-list. Maybe you have one too. It goes like this…in no particular order… But is ALL of that reasonable??? At once? Or more importantly is it reasonable for me? Those are all excellent things on my list, every single one. But beating myself up because I can’t […]