Getting My Act Together’s Top 10 Posts of 2022

2022 was the first year for this blog, Getting My Act Together, and these were my most successful posts. I started out 2022 with high hopes of writing every single week, and that went well for January-March or so. Ha! And then the move happened. By move I mean our real life move, not just moving from Moving in real life was a much bigger inconvenience, you know? It was like, well, so much for “getting my act together” this year… Once the move started, it was fairly impossible to keep up with writing of any kind. Then the […]

Good Reasons Not to Fret Over all the World’s Problems

This article is the second part of my series on Handling Stress. As I mentioned in my last post, Psalm 37 has always been a huge inspiration to me when I am going through a hard time. The very first two verses of Psalm 37 remind us not to fret because of the evil we see in the world. Evildoers will soon fade like the grass. All these problems and people are temporary. Life on earth is temporary. I feel like this is God telling us to chill and to stop freaking out. This is funny to me because honestly […]

How We Unpacked Our Whole House in a Week

Guess where we are. We are on the other side of the move, and we basically unpacked our whole house in a week. Most of it was even finished in three or four days. I don’t remember how long it took me to do it on my own last time, but it was way longer than this. Video One Is the Week Before the Move. This was my July 14th update, and it has a few moving tips. If you do not need moving tips and only have time for one video, skip the first one and watch the second […]

The Whole Truth About Moving Stress & Anxiety

This is my whole truth about coping with moving stress. I am not doing an amazing job. No, I am not even doing a good job, not even a decent job. In fact, let’s be real. I am at a fairly low point. Notice I did not title this article “how to handle moving stress.” That was on purpose. I would have no business writing that. Why am I so stressed? I don’t fully know. As a whole, this move, which started out extremely shaky, is going MUCH better now. Finding a house was a nightmare. But that’s done. We […]

Why Car Trips Feel Like Eternity to Kids (by Kid Blogger, JD)

Car trips feel so long to kids because there is always someone who keeps on farting. Another reason why car trips feel so long is because they ARE long. Well, they are if you’re me, which you are not. But if your grand parents live in Alabama, and you live in Maryland, it takes 13 hours to get to Alabama, and 15 to where my other grandparents live. That is even longer if you have a family with 6 people + a dog. It feels like eternity to get there, and there are so many other reasons why car trips […]

Check Out our Full House Declutter Reveal

If you are not new here, you know 2022 has been all about getting my house decluttered for the upcoming move. With six people in the house, we obviously can fill up any space with all kinds of clutter. Well, now it’s time to sell the house, and no one wants to buy a house that looks all cramped. After months and months of work, we managed to get two of the three floors looking spacious, clean, and fabulous. Then we took all the extra stuff and shoved it in the basement storage rooms. Sigh. Yeah, those storage rooms I […]

Master Bedroom Update: Getting The House Ready To Sell

We have been busy little bees getting our house ready to sell. This week we finished the master bedroom, and we moved on to working on all of the other rooms. I have so many moving updates! #1. We officially have a lease signed in the exact neighborhood we wanted to live in to be near our friends. Hurray!!!! The house has four bedrooms, a beautiful backyard, two family rooms, and a pretty good kitchen, so we are happy, happy, happy. It has much smaller storage spaces than we are used to, so now I have to go a little […]

Moving Checklist For The Perfect Move, 2 Months Out

Now, ya’ll, I say this with love because this IS a moving checklist for the perfect move. However, it is so important that you accept up front that the perfect move will never ever happen. So no, moves aren’t perfect. However, you never know what it is that will go wrong, so you always plan for perfection. The plan and the checklist are for the (laughably) perfect move. Just for your sanity, remember that it won’t actually be perfect. We are just going to hope that whatever goes wrong will at least be funny. Our family is currently 60-80 days […]

God is with You in the Storm.

The other day, I saw a tweet from Tony Evans: God is with you in the storm. You are not alone. — Tony Evans (@drtonyevans) April 26, 2022 “God is with you in the storm. You are not alone.” We are in the middle of planning and preparing for our move. Life has felt like a sad little storm lately. It isn’t a hurricane. It feels more like when it rains for days and days on end. You know those times? And everyday is gray, and you keep hoping to see the sun again? All of these problems keep popping […]