5 Reasons to Not Take Yourself so Seriously

Today I realized something important. I have been taking myself too seriously. Do you ever do that? Have you ever been in the middle of a personal crisis and suddenly realized, “Wait a minute. I need to chill.” Life does not have to be a serious, sad thing. Instead, let life be what you want it to be. Yes, we have had a hard summer, but I have to remember that it is also still funny. This week lots of funny things happened, and I did not laugh at any of them! Have you ever had a phase like that? […]

The Whole Truth About Moving Stress & Anxiety

This is my whole truth about coping with moving stress. I am not doing an amazing job. No, I am not even doing a good job, not even a decent job. In fact, let’s be real. I am at a fairly low point. Notice I did not title this article “how to handle moving stress.” That was on purpose. I would have no business writing that. Why am I so stressed? I don’t fully know. As a whole, this move, which started out extremely shaky, is going MUCH better now. Finding a house was a nightmare. But that’s done. We […]

How to Have a Successful Personal Monthly Planning Session

This is another one of my FAVORITE new ways I have found this year to truly feel like I am getting my act together: the monthly planning session. I originally called it my monthly meeting with myself. But to sound more sane, we will just say “monthly planning session.” The idea of setting aside time to do a monthly planning session is another tip I learned from vishakablone.com. What do I mean by personal monthly planning session? I’m glad you asked. This is a time during the first week of the month where we plan out the whole month that […]

A New, Fun Life Hack: The Monthly Reflection

This is a new habit I am adding in this year: the end of month reflection. I was surfing Pinterest last week, while I had all that time in bed with covid. Of course, it is Pinterest, so I found tons of cool things and new blogs to read. Side note: Did you know almost all of Pinterest is blog posts? Yep. It’s the number one place to search out blog posts on any topic. When there’s something you need help with, Pinterest and YouTube are the places to be. It’s just important to take all those perfectionist Pinterest images […]

God is with You in the Storm.

The other day, I saw a tweet from Tony Evans: God is with you in the storm. You are not alone. — Tony Evans (@drtonyevans) April 26, 2022 “God is with you in the storm. You are not alone.” We are in the middle of planning and preparing for our move. Life has felt like a sad little storm lately. It isn’t a hurricane. It feels more like when it rains for days and days on end. You know those times? And everyday is gray, and you keep hoping to see the sun again? All of these problems keep popping […]

10 Upbeat Songs for When You Need a Pick-Me-Up

There are times in my life when I don’t even realize how down I am, and how much I need a quick musical pick-me-up until I hear a song that just gets me off my rear or out of the dumps. I have a whole playlist of mostly uplifting songs over at YouTube you can also check out. I call it my “House Cleaning Jams.” These are my Top 10. I have them on my Spotify playlist and basically stashed away anywhere I can save music because they are just happy songs. Sometimes a happy song is the ONLY thing […]

A Simple Goal Derailed

Today a very simple goal completely derailed. I was going to get a jump start on cleaning my whole house. That is no small goal. It is a four bedroom house. People hire maids to do this all the time. These professionals come in, you give them $200 or so, and they clean your entire house in hours. How do they do that??? I am completely incapable of it, and I know this. Instead I set myself 30 minute timers and work for half an hour, rest for twenty, then go back to work. Yeah, maybe it sounds lazy. I […]