Day 8 of the Decluttering Challenge: Master Bedroom

Hey y’all! For day eight of our decluttering plan, we are setting a timer and working on our master bedroom.
Pick which area of your bedroom needs the most work and go for it. I have several hot spots in that room, but my dresser, which my husband also uses as his desk, is what bothers me the most.
As I said before, I am not a perfectly tidy person coming to you with tips from the end of a journey. I am in the middle of this process too, and I have plenty to work on. During this challenge, I am striving to be as transparent and honest as possible. You can see that I am messy too. I especially have trouble keeping up with so many things.
One of my hopes is that when we have less stuff to keep up with, it will be easier to keep our spaces tidy. Every bag of giveaway items or trash I see leaving my house feels like a huge victory.

It can be tricky to clear out a space that is also inhabited by someone else’s things. What to do about other people’s things:
Our master bedroom is often a shared space, right? I share mine with my husband, and most of the things cluttering up the dresser belong to him. What’s a girl to do?
Truly, we cannot go in and throw away and give away other people’s things. Even if we know they don’t “need” those things, it is not the right thing to do.
Ha! Doing the right thing can be hard sometimes.
God smiled down on me for my master bedroom decluttering day, and Alan happened to be home. Therefore, I did not have to resort to simply making stacks to perhaps go over with him later. Instead, I was able to go through all the things on that dresser with him the first go-round.
If your person is not home, I would recommend stacking up there stuff as neatly as you can and moving on to the things you can do something about.
Sometimes things are obviously trash, like tags, bottle caps, receipts from Burger King. Easy wins.
But for the rest, just stack it up and ask them later. Or leave that stuff alone altogether, especially if they are a gumpus. The best way to deal with a grumpus is to never nag them and try not to touch their things.
Now without further ado, here is the video for Day 8:
And if you need a printable calendar or list for the 30 Day Decluttering Plan, we got ya covered:

30 Day List format:
If you are joining us for the first time today, welcome aboard. I hope you find some inspiration here, and I would love to have you declutter with us.
If you are a few days in to the challenge, drop me a comment below and let me know how it is going for you. Also, if you have anything in particular you would like me to talk about in the videos, definitely let me know.
Want to check out some of the other days of this challenge?
See this post for the whole 30 Day Decluttering Challenge, with links to each day.