Goal Planning Broken Down into the Easiest Steps Ever

When I say I need goal planning to be broken down into the easiest steps possible, I mean that whole-heartedly. I have always loved goal setting and planning, but I’ve had to work on breaking it down into tiny steps as I have gotten older and have so many responsibilities as a parent. I need every cheat sheet in the world. What I want to share today is how I break down a goal into tiny more achievable tasks. What we all need to turn our goals into reality is a solid, doable plan. I spent a large amount of […]

You Gotta Try Out this 7 Day Personal Growth Challenge

If you ever feel like your life needs a change, then you have got to try this whole personal growth challenge thing. I promise it will help you feel way more motivated and even excited. In this post, I am going to tell you all you need to run a successful personal growth challenge of your own that is going to make you feel so accomplished and refreshed. Feeling motivated and excited about my day is something I have spent many, many years struggling with. Most of my adult life, feeling self-disciplined and motivated has been a challenge for me. […]

10 Ways to Prepare for any Unexpected Disaster

Today I have a disaster preparedness expert here with me to share with everyone ten ways even beginners can prepare for disaster. In our family, we have a resident expert in preparing for disaster. It is definitely not me. I am not all that prepared, honestly. When Covid hit, it was by pure blind hog luck and the grace of God that I happened to buy a Mega bulk pack of Charmin on March 9, 2020. In fact, it was one of Walmart’s last packs of it, and I remember thinking, “huh, weird.” If they hadn’t sent all of my […]

How We Unpacked Our Whole House in a Week

Guess where we are. We are on the other side of the move, and we basically unpacked our whole house in a week. Most of it was even finished in three or four days. I don’t remember how long it took me to do it on my own last time, but it was way longer than this. Video One Is the Week Before the Move. This was my July 14th update, and it has a few moving tips. If you do not need moving tips and only have time for one video, skip the first one and watch the second […]

How to Have a Successful Personal Monthly Planning Session

This is another one of my FAVORITE new ways I have found this year to truly feel like I am getting my act together: the monthly planning session. I originally called it my monthly meeting with myself. But to sound more sane, we will just say “monthly planning session.” The idea of setting aside time to do a monthly planning session is another tip I learned from vishakablone.com. What do I mean by personal monthly planning session? I’m glad you asked. This is a time during the first week of the month where we plan out the whole month that […]

7 Fun Ways for Kids to Entertain Themselves

Very often kids need to find something to do, and John David is here to give you some ideas for how kids can entertain themselves. Everything below was written straight from my eight-year-old to yours. Only one of them (shopping) requires help. The rest are all things can do for themselves. 7 Fun Ways for Kids to Entertain Yourself #1. Go shopping The first way is to go shopping because if you do, you can find a lot of things you want or need. The same goes for your kids because you can get super fun things, like a mini […]

How to Find Extra Minutes to Work on Your Project

I have a problem. You see, I am woefully behind on prepping my house for this move, and I find myself in need of extra minutes. We all get the same twenty-four hours for every single day. No matter who you are. The day is the same. There are twenty-four hours, and no one gets extra minutes. But I am going to need some extra. I want to list our house to sell in May, and that requires me to comb through each room of the house. Our house is over-packed with stuff. Everywhere you look there is clutter. Most […]

Ta-Daaaa! Before & After Photos From Cleaning Out the Storage Room

I have this lengthy list of things we have to do to get our house ready for the housing market. BUT it is such a wonderful feeling to have my second storage room DONE. So of course, I made a video about it. Daniel told me I should make one of those time-lapse videos where it shows you cleaning in super speed, so I made one and put it on the ends of this update video: I’m also learning more about how to make decent YouTube videos….. Sorry, I did not learn in time to not film the ceiling while […]

When You Want a Do Over

This is one of those days when by lunch I wanted a do over. Isn’t that like the ultimate little kid thing to say??? “Watch me!” *goofs it up* “Do over! Do over! It was the wind. I get a do over.” But you know what? Life isn’t the Olympics…I mean not usually. I’ve never been to the Olympics, nor am I an athlete of any kind. For some rare members of the human race, I guess some days life really is the Olympics… Ha! But most days aren’t. So you know what? We can absolutely have a do-over on […]